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For our Lawyer friends here

Posted: Feb 22nd, '12, 16:16
by Harry Babb
One afternoon a lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the road-side eating grass.

Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and got out to investigate.

He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?"

"We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat grass."

"Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you," the lawyer said.

"But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree."

"Bring them along," the lawyer replied.

Turning to the other poor man he stated, "You may come with us, also."

The second man, in a pitiful voice, then said, "But sir, I also have a wife and SIX children with me!"

"Bring them all as well," the lawyer answered.

They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine was.

Once under way, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said, "Sir, you are too kind."

"Thank you for taking all of us with you.

The lawyer replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really love my place.
The grass is almost a foot high".


Posted: Feb 22nd, '12, 23:49
by jrhaszard
" Why, of course you can,my dear.Where do you think lawyers come from? " Sorry Rawleigh

Posted: Feb 23rd, '12, 09:11
by Rawleigh
LOL! I am always open to a good lawyer joke! We have a better sense of humor about ourselves than Doctors do!!

Posted: Feb 23rd, '12, 09:20
by In Memory of Vicroy
Roger that. I served for many years on various Supreme Court panels that handled lawyer disbarment. I got to see the bad & the ugly. I quit when the bad & the ugly outnumbered the rest of us. Our profession went to s**t with the advent of unlimited advertising. It has largely become a money-grubbing trade, not a profession. The same is true of other former "professions" such as teachers, who are now so rabidly pro-union they could care less about the kids, doctors are on the same road to ruin, and for God's sake would someone explain to me what the hell a "social worker" does and/or is good for?


Posted: Feb 23rd, '12, 09:49
by Mikey
Contradiction in terms, Vic.

Posted: Feb 23rd, '12, 20:12
by Bob H.
Have to send that one to Eliot...BH

Lawyer Joke

Posted: Feb 23rd, '12, 20:55
by jrhaszard
Well,the flying profession has gone in a handbasket also.I am glad that I got to fly Army choppers in Viet Nam and South America and Herks in Alaska before the end came.Being a Captain on the Douglasaurous Diesel Eight was a proud thing for me.I flew it instead of punching buttons.While taking a set of Cessna 180 wings to Alabama for rebuild last week I got to visit my Bunker mate from the Fourth Division.I hadn't seen him since 1968.

I reminded him that once upon a time there was a pilot who wasn't full of s---. But it was only that one time, and it was just that one guy....And it was a long time ago.

Posted: Feb 23rd, '12, 22:08
by Harry Babb
Jr wrote:While taking a set of Cessna 180 wings to Alabama

Where in Alabama???

Bob......who are you going to give credit to for the "Lawyer" joke when you send it to Elliott????

Let's blame it on Brenda...LOL

I think all "Trades/Professions" have jokes attached to them.....thank for being good sports

I am looking forward to the "Turnabout"! ! !



Posted: Feb 24th, '12, 20:18
by jrhaszard
Chancellor,Alabama.Just North of Dothan.Near Fort Rucker.Got to see the old Boll Weevil statute in Enterprise.

Posted: Feb 24th, '12, 20:40
by Harry Babb
I sort of thought you may have gone to the Dothan area.

But then I thought that you may have came to the Fairhope airport to Teledynes FBO.....very near my shop.

The ole Boll Weevil! ! ! Made quite an impact on the history of the Deep South. Looks like the farmers recovered....cotton is king here once again.


Boll weevil

Posted: Feb 24th, '12, 20:55
by jrhaszard
The last time I was at Ft.Rucker was in 1973.Everyone was planning on getting rich on catfish farms.This trip,no one knew what I was talking about when I inquired about catfish.I guess boll weevil likes catfish too.Too bad he don't like cottonmouth and rattlesnake.

Posted: Feb 24th, '12, 21:13
by Harry Babb
Catfish farming is BIG BIG business north of Mobile Alabama near Greensborough just south of Tuscaloosa.

They keep them very well groomed.

I understand that when its time to sell the fish a "Taster" goes to the farm....and the farmer catches a fish and cleans it then the "Taster" cooks it.

If it suits his taste buds then he negotiates the purchase and if it don't then he directs the farmer to add certain minerals to the catfish food to enhance the flavor....then he comes back later for another Taste Test.

Wouldn't you like to have that job! ! ! !



Posted: Feb 25th, '12, 08:45
by jrhaszard
I remember going to one of the farms back then.The farmer gave us a demo ( when he wasn't busy shooting Storks,Great Blue Herons and other protected wildlife ). When we approached the edge of the ponds, the fish "came a runnin". Then he pitched in buckets of round pellets of food that resembled kid's Trix breakfast cereal.It floated and they gobbled it from the surface like vacuum cleaners. I had always believed they were soley bottom feeders (like some pilots I know).Not so. All the small towns like Daleville,Ozark and Enterprize had catfish and hushpuppy joints,but not anymore.I was really looking to go to one of them but was dissappointed.