Page 1 of 1 one has any comments ??!!

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 12:19
by Bertramp
No comments on the Superbowl ?? ....... the silence is deafening !!

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 12:32
by CaptPatrick
When do they play?

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 12:35
by John F.
Great game, great win. Its even sweeter when you're 8-7 into the last game of the season, and no one expects the Giants to go anywhere. Just great.

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 12:51
by TailhookTom
Next one is down in Uncle Vic's neck of the woods. 2014 will be interesting though, at MetLife Stadium -- had to get special owner's vote for a non-domed stadium where the average February temp is not over 50 degrees.

Great game -- and my favorite team had a wonderful victory!

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 14:25
by Charlie J
i would but dug would delete it, lol

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 14:43
by Bruce
We've learned that comments involving the Patriots don't go over well with a handful of folks. Like poking a hornets nest with a stick.

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 14:58
by Face
And the Redskins swept the Giants this year. Giants got hot late, when it mattered, but overall the NFC east was soft as terry cloth this year.

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 15:19
by Mikey
Best comedy spot - Great Dane/Doritos;
Best drama spot - Clint Eastwood/Chrysler.
What's all this Giants Patriots stuff. Who are they?

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 15:24
by JP Dalik
We've learned that comments involving the Patriots don't go over well with a handful of folks. Like poking a hornets nest with a stick.
Think the Pats could of won it if they hadn't had the mistakes at the beginning of the game:

* Ball thrown away for a safety
*12 guys on the field

Nice to watch a championship play out down to wire. Great game.

Yeah Giants.

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 17:06
by Dug
Charlie, I deleted the posts because I had to re-spell some things in the original post, and it took all the others away. Nothing meant otherwise! JP, spot on. Dumb plays lost the game. The Giants out played the Pats. Period. It hurt to watch. I thought I was going to puke afterwards. Congrats to the Giants. They made fewer mistakes. Period. Both teams were in it until the end. How sweet it would have been if Welker had caught the pass, or Hernandez or Gronk in the end zone. But it did not happen that way. Such is life. There is always next year...

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 17:29
by Charlie J
i knew that would bring you out, lol
it was a great game, one for the books

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 18:25
by MarkS
OK I'll say it..................................Madonna looks like an old baseball mit.

Her moves would have been more limber if she made them from her "Hoveround"!

I couldn't even hum along to any of that crap and I was in my 20's when she was popular!

It feels like "Rocky II" or maybe "Rocky III" or even "Rocky IV"............

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 18:27
by randall
as a jets fan i would have only enjoyed this if both teams charter flights crashed into each other on the way there.

OK OK...i went over to the dark side....hey i am a NYer and how can you possibly not like eli. it was a great game. the INT pass was thrown well short...and a few key drops and thats all folks. and since almost all my friends are giants fans a good time was had by all at the local bar.

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 18:46
by Charlie J
the dark side, whow thats more like pitch black

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 19:27
by Bruce

"as a jets fan i would have only enjoyed this if both teams charter flights crashed into each other on the way there. "

Can't tell you how many people I talked too said the same thing.

Wonder if the Jets could pull Joe Willie out of retirement, that might help.

We had 14 at our bowl feast yesterday. All the women stayed in the kitchen till the half time and then came over and ooh'd and ahh'd over Madonna and how well she looked.
(most of the real housewife types over had had enough plastic surgery and lifts people mistake their vaginas as trach tube openings)

I agree with you. She looked about as graceful as a one legged pole vaulter.
Camera didn't get to close to show the bondo fills.

And how about the female rapper giving everyone the finger after showing off her baby momma money maker?
Real classy shit right there. No one seems surprised, I wonder why?

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 20:57
by ianupton
Bruce - I about spit on my keyboard with the trach tube stoma comment.

My youngest had a trach for 18 months (4 weeks to 18 months) and I know that vision all too well.


Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 21:28
by PeterPalmieri
Jets fan here. I thought it was a good game and since my wife is a giants fan I happily cheered against the Pats. When they showed the replay of krafts reaction to the last play I felt terrible for him. Not a madonna fan but I thought it was one of the better halftime shows in recent history.

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 21:43
by randall
skipped the half time show.....real good food and lots of it. anyway.. there's a naked picture of madonna in the bar (age 20) i just ate in front of that.

Posted: Feb 6th, '12, 22:06
by Harry Babb
Bruce wrote:vaginas as trach tube openings)
LOL.....reminds me of a joke

Once long time ago lived a woman who was afraid to grow old. At about age 35 she started a life long relationship with her plastic surgeon.

First it was tummy tuck....then butt tuck followed by breast implants and numerous face lifts.

One day while visiting her surgeon he informed her that he had a new proceedure that would be instant fix for facial wrinkles that popped up unexpectedly.

It was a very simple procedure that involved installing a handle in her hair line that, when turned, it would roll up and lift facial skin to stretch and remove facial wrinkles.

She agreeded and went in for the procedure right away.....and then used it regularly.

For the first few months it was thing she ever had done.

Then one day she went to her doctor with a couple of complaints one being enormous bags underneath her eyes.

Upon examination the doctor tells her that those are not bags....but in fact they are her boobs.

She pondered for a moment then said to the doctor......well I guess that explains the Goatee then......


Posted: Feb 7th, '12, 18:36
by Bruce
Bradys wife is the latest casualty of the loss. To bad as she stuck up for her husband like any good wife should have done.

She certainly more than some jersey wearing douche bag fan has the right to comment, yet she got toasted by the good fans of NE.

After some jackass Giants fan declared to her that Eli owned her husband, she let it fly. Good for her.

Certainly at that level having the expectation that your receivers actually catch the ball is certainly plausible.

Any given Sunday................

Posted: Feb 7th, '12, 21:18
by Bob H.
You got it Bruce, any give to catch em to win...hats off to Giants and Eli...some fine throws when it as on the line...BH

Posted: Feb 7th, '12, 22:15
by Tony Meola

I did not see Belicheck go over and congratulate anyone on the Giants. All I saw was him storm off the field with a big puss on.

I have never been a Brady or Gisele fan. I always felt they both have their heads up their -----------.

In any event, what Gisele said was uncalled for. She nocked her husbands team mates. Just not cool and a big no no. I can't wait until one of the linemen just doesn't block for him one time and lets the defense through to nail him.

By the way, Eli doesn't own him, all the Giants own him.

Posted: Feb 8th, '12, 11:04
by Mikey
Heard Redd Foxx tell that one eons ago about a guy.
The punchline goes, "If you think that's a dimple in my chin for a real surprise open my shirt collar."

Posted: Feb 8th, '12, 12:26
by PeterPalmieri
Gisele could have done many things in response to the comments made to her. The best option was probably to take the high road and say nothing. Rather then stoop down to a few drunk fans level She instead responded by throwing her husbands teammates under the bus.

The safety, tipped pass, balls thrown behind the receivers, Brady didn't have a great game. He's the first to admit it.

Being a public figure she should know better, I don't blame Pats fans for being annoyed.

Posted: Feb 8th, '12, 14:23
by In Memory Walter K
That's what comes of making Gods of Quarterbacks. Even their wives sometimes forget, there's a whole team out there keeping him from being sacked.

Posted: Feb 8th, '12, 20:15
by Dug
Tony, you clearly missed Bill hugging the Giants coach. For a long time. They had a good chat, clearly.

You gotta get new glasses! :)

Posted: Feb 8th, '12, 20:50
by Bertramp
If you ever played any sport, at some time you missed that needed foul shot or swung at that full count pitch that was out of the strike zone or dropped that TD pass, but your team-mates don't dog you about it and you don't dog them when they screw up.
Brady's wife may look like a silk purse, but in my book she is a sow's (sp) ear

Posted: Feb 8th, '12, 21:25
by Tony Meola
Dug wrote:Tony, you clearly missed Bill hugging the Giants coach. For a long time. They had a good chat, clearly.

You gotta get new glasses! :)

Was it an invisible hug. Maybe they just did not show it down here in NJ

Posted: Feb 8th, '12, 21:41
by Brewster Minton
I did not see it.

Posted: Feb 9th, '12, 06:54
by Bruce
The pro's are the pro's not high school. Your getting paid millions of dollars a year, catch the freaking ball when it's thrown to you.

Didn't have a dog in this fight anyways. My point was how NE fans were throwing their beloved QB wife under the bus for sticking up for him.

IMO she had a more legitimate reason for commenting than anyone but the players or coaching staff. This is what happens when people who never played sports or failed at it live their pathetic lives thru pro teams and who's indentities are intertwined with their teams wins and losses.

Posted: Feb 9th, '12, 07:38
by Charlie J
i saw it, it brought a tear to my eye

Posted: Feb 9th, '12, 08:22
by Dug
They did show it up here. It made a lot of sense. Bill and Tom go wayyyyy back and word has it are pretty good friends. I am sure Bill wasn't particularly happy, but he did go find Coughlin and congratulate him. And it was not just a pat on the back and run. Look, Bill is a good guy. He is not the antichrist that everyone outside of NE makes him out to be. You can think that if you want, but he is an avid boater, fisherman, and from those who know, an extremely loyal friend. Sounds like a lot of guys on this board to me...

Posted: Feb 9th, '12, 09:18
by randall
bruce.....i usually end arguments with over zealous fans by asking which position they play on the team. having played team sports all my life i naturally take an interest in pro sports but geez.......get a life if your recreational life revolves around a sports team.

Posted: Feb 9th, '12, 22:24
by Tony Meola

Maybe if she had said, Eli might own Tom, but Tom has me, would have shut up a loud mouth. There are just better ways of saying things without insulting others.

Posted: Feb 10th, '12, 00:18
by Ed Curry
Funny part is she lives in New York!