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sea strainer question

Posted: Jan 21st, '12, 22:10
by bertram 20
this may be a stupid question why are the sea strainers on my 28 bertram mounted sideways and not straight up and down?i have worked on a few boats and i always see these straight up and down is just for draining purposes? before i bought this 86 i looked at a 75 and they were the same way thanks for the help mike

Posted: Jan 22nd, '12, 07:21
by Preston Burrows
Your's mounted 'sideways' like mine?


Bertram rigged, for most direct plumbing and easiest sighting / strainer cleaning etc in the most immediate/available could map out and re-plumb/re-install upright however you'd see/realize why Bertram rigged so!

Best upgrade would be external strainers with no cans inside the hull unless you wanted their 'redundancy' and the ability to sight intake flow etc.

Posted: Jan 22nd, '12, 08:28
by Carl
If it makes you feel any better, mine were mounted the same way ( and same style ) on my 31.

I removed and plumbed in Crash Pumps. Most important I changed out the Ol' Tapered Seacocks. Many told me they are better so I left them in each time I disassembled to clean, I'd get two or three seasons between rebuild. They would just hang up, so I'd have to loosen a tad and tap them to free the mechanism, then at the end of the season take out the innards so I could clean up the mating surfaces. But finally I decided it was better to put in an "inferior" style Seacock that worked all the time. If it gets funky I'll just replace.

I liked the strainers to sea the water flow...but I preferred the extra room in the bilge and can see water exiting the exhaust...provided I'm not loaded with Fuel.

To get back to your question....I really don't know about your boat, but on my 31, they would not fit mounted Vertically. They are mounted under the deck just behind the motor bulkhead. Maybe a foot between deck and hull.

Posted: Jan 25th, '12, 09:04
by Wingnut
That looks exactly like my set up on the '77 28 FB. It seems to work just fine!


Re: sea strainer question

Posted: Aug 14th, '17, 13:42
by Tom Curran
Anyone know the make and model of these sideways strainers?
Its what I have on my B28

Re: sea strainer question

Posted: Aug 14th, '17, 20:30
by Tony Meola

Most of them were Perko's. But they are all the same, it is only the way they mounted them that make you think they are different from what you see in other boats.

Re: sea strainer question

Posted: Aug 16th, '17, 18:26
by Tom Curran
Thanks..the very top plate of the strainer looks a bit different
Than the usual