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Mid Atlantic Rendezvous

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 11:59
by Doug Crowther
Anyone planning on fishing this year ? Trying to plan what gear needs to make it on the boat.

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 12:31
by thuddddddd
I'm hopeing to, not really sure since dead man walkings boat didn't get put in, and the tubb is out for a sawzall makeover. Probably going to have to go to tx and fish with Tom a tao, and the surgen general.Why you think your going to get out fishing this year?? Need to borrow some rods?

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 13:39
by Charlie
Hey Doug if you and thudddd are attending your dinner reservation is for a single peanutbutter and jelly on white bread. You guys can argue over the largest half. Doug you are offically on my shit list.

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 13:41
by Doug Crowther
I did a shark tourney in June and a tuna trip out of Oregon Inlet. You may have to wait till Texas to go fishing but not me.
Borrow your tackle ? What do you have a bunch of quantums with locked up drags from lack of use- no thanks.

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 14:14
by Doug Crowther
Charlie shot me a copy of the graphic for the t shirts. Awesome !
He's going to have about 60 "extras" available get em while their hot !

Shit list

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 15:36
by JK
No fishing for us. I have no idea where are rods or tackle is, not to mention the riggers on the boat are not even set up for lines yet. We'll be around the docks for the rendezvous.


Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 15:48
by JohnD
I had wanted to fish, but not sure I can get the tackle together. I'm going to bring what I got and work on it while "killin chilles".

So I'm definetly a maybe, as in previous years depends on how good the Dock Party is on Friday. Though at least this year I'll be on the boat and not have to leave a comfortable motel room.


Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 16:11
by JimmyG
I'm Fishing! If no one goes I'll have first place locked up! ... JK tell the real reason don't want blood on the boat

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 16:13
by Doug Crowther
Charlie says the Friday cocktail party is on the same dock as the boats.
Should be an easy stagger even for Harv. No passing out on the dock this year- that guy sleeping on lines and bumpers between Harv and I gave the place a bad name.
Guess I'll stay in on Saturday and spend the day taking picture of Jk's boat.

Posted: Jul 13th, '06, 22:32
by John F.

No fishin? I was looking at Bass Barn this am. Maybe we can get some nearby shark spots from Jimmy G, or go short for BFT or YFT if they're around.

John F.

Posted: Jul 14th, '06, 05:50
by Jack
I'm in for fishing. Ought to be able to dig up the tuna rods if needed

Posted: Jul 14th, '06, 08:36
by Doug Crowther
ok thats it, we'll go sharkin.Maybe stop in Cape May and get some bait Friday on the way up.