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I just shoulda known it

Posted: Dec 17th, '11, 08:44
by Bertramp
So...I'm on the ICW yesterday just north of the Atlantic bridge in Pompano in my Whaler. I got just south of the bridge at 14th (Merritt Boatworks) and then I turned and headed south. Waved to the FWC Police as I went past at idle speed (they like my boat, because it was once one of theirs) and once past them push the throttle to 4000rpm and off I went. Three minutes later, the blue flashers and a siren are behind me.
Apparently, the speed limit between the bridges has been reduced to idle speed 24/7 for manatee season. It had been, that it was only that way on weekends. Problem is....the signs have not been changed. I should have known it.
Well....they did a safety check and off I went, but the sign posted says one thing and the "new law" says another.
In my mind, they should spend the time fixin the signs instead of pulling folks over for doing what is posted, but discretion told me ... don't say that !

Re: I just shoulda known it

Posted: Dec 17th, '11, 09:18
by jspiezio
Bertramp wrote: discretion told me ... don't say that !
It is the better part of valor.

Posted: Dec 17th, '11, 23:09
by Pete Fallon
I just love having to go idle speed all the way from Stuart to Miami becuase of a non native species that has been imported by a big real estate delevoper. They were brought in to eat the vegitation out of his man made canals so he could sell more waterfront property. It's about time to rebel against the tree huggers that made them a protected species, they have become a hazard to navigation and they are supposed to taste pretty good on a spit. Another form of illegal revenue for the local marine patrols and USCG.

Posted: Dec 17th, '11, 23:24
by In Memory Walter K
Where did they bring them in from? Where is their natural habitat? I had never heard that story.

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 03:45
by CaptPatrick
Pete Fallon wrote:...non native species that has been imported by a big real estate delevoper. They were brought in to eat the vegitation out of his man made canals so he could sell more waterfront property.
I'm no manatee lover, but...

Fossil remains of manatee ancestors show they have inhabited Florida for about 45 million years. Modern manatees have been in Florida for over one million years (probably with intermittent absences during the Ice Ages); i.e., a lot longer than people have lived here. The present Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is a subspecies endemic to Florida. Genetic studies to date indicate that it is not derived from the populations in Mexico or Central America, but more likely colonized Florida from the Greater Antilles thousands of years ago, after the last Ice Age.

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 08:03
by Bertramp
I have nothing against manatees (although I love the signs that are manatee related and only apply on weekends...are manatees in the office Monday to friday ?).
My gripe is "enforce the posted law" ..... post it before you enforce it !
It gave them an excuse to do a safety check....I passed !!

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 09:07
by Harry Babb
In 1997 Chris and I went with a diving group to Crystal River on a Manatee snorkling trip.

We really enjoyed ourselves. The Manatee are enormous animals as you well know.

Before we were allowed to leave the dock, the folks at the marina had us watch about a 5 minute video informing us of proper conduct aboard the boat as well as while we are in the water.

At the end of the video the guy and gal presenting the video asked if there are any questions........Well I just could not resist.....soooooo....I raised my hand.

When I was recognized I asked them if we were gonna "Clean" the Manatee's on the boat or did they have a "Cleaning" station here at the dock.

I gotta tell ya......they were dumbfounded.......but immediately went into the "Lets chew Harry's ass" mode. They went thru me like grease thru a goose. These guys are way way to serious.......or seem so on the surface.

My diving group laughed which made matters worse.

After a bit they cooled down and we had a wonderful weekend.


Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 09:17
by CaptPatrick
Ya' can't bait a tree hugger, Harry, they just don't get it. But it is a lot of fun never the less...

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 10:53
by Pete Fallon
Capt Pat,
That reference material had to be written by a tree hugger that is looking for the remains of the Florida skunk ape. I don't dislike the slow moving sea cows it's the regulations, the resulting fines and the arbitrary zones, that I object to.

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 10:55
by Bertramp
The first manatee that I ever saw was in Boynton many yrs ago. I would get up in the AM and walk the length of the dock with a coffee (townhomes with a common dock). One morning, 6:00AM ish, I'm strolling the dock and this grey thing the size of a VW starts surfacing from the water. Now, I've seen some old Jules Verne movies.....I just about soiled my pants before I realized what it was.

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 11:27
by Harry Babb
I know I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know but the enforcement officers more often than not let their personal adgendas get involved and common sense just goes right out of the window.

As in Steves case it looks like their inadequacy (not informing boaters with proper markings) just proves their incompetence.

As far as Manatee' family really enjoy snorkling with these enormus mammals.

One year when Alan (My oldest grandson) was 4 years old he was with us. He and I swam aganist the current up a stream called "3 Sisters" and ended up in a rather large pool of water with no current. In one of the small tributiarys were 3 "Big Ole" Manatee. I managed to reach one of them and scracth one of them on the back. Then I called Alan over and when he touched the Manatee he went bonkers! ! ! ! Was a really great day.


Posted: Dec 19th, '11, 15:15
by Ric
FIRST ! you make a rue

Posted: Dec 19th, '11, 16:39
by Rawleigh
There ya' go Ric!! LOL!

Posted: Dec 19th, '11, 18:31
by Marshall Mahoney
Apparently a guy from Cape Coral had a bumper sticker: "Hate Manatees." He was taken to court by the manatee huggers and the judge of couse, said there was no case due to freedom of speech. However, The judge asked him to remove the sticker, to end the outcry. He agreed to replace the sticker with "Love Manatatees." And he did so -- followed by "Grilled" and "Fried..."

Posted: Dec 19th, '11, 19:07
by In Memory Walter K
I like to think all of us who love the water are environmentalists. We have seen more and experienced more than any of these whackos who should be dipped in chum (pure environmental material) and dropped overboard in waters that might contain some environmentally protected species of shark. In about 20 minutes of begging and promising to rethink their attitudes, haul them out, then redump them 100 yards from shore. Can you get that I'm getting frustrated with their stopping anything and everything on planet earth? The ones I have met where I am, couldn't light a fire if you gave them a book of matches or survive 24 hours in the woods alone. Jeeez!

Posted: Dec 20th, '11, 06:32
by Bruce
No worse than having to slow down for a Jersey Manatee in the grocery store isle this time of year.

Posted: Dec 20th, '11, 10:56
by Rawleigh
RFLMAO!! Good one Bruce!

Posted: Dec 20th, '11, 11:23
by Pete Fallon
Local rules apply for New Jersey manatees, be at least 85, almost blind, completely rude, incontiant, smell like witch hazel and Ben Gay, lips move without emitting a sound, drive a Cadillac Fleetwood with Handicap placard, back up without looking and operate a shopping cart the same way.
The Florida manatee has most of the same traits, but don't smell, local rules are arbitrary enforced by local redneck patrols. The manatee on a spit the other white meat bumper sticker is still seen in a few counties in Central Florida along side the save the bales bumper stickers and NSCAR rules.

He Bruce are you up for some golf? Give me a call 561-310-7179


Posted: Dec 21st, '11, 04:36
by jrhaszard
My favorite is the NUKE THE WHALES bumper sticker.Sets them off worse than a SOCIALISM SUCKS sticker.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '11, 05:24
by RussP

My eyes were tearing I laughed so hard. We have a abundance of North East Manatees up here too. They don't taste as good and smell a little funky but the silver mane makes them stand out.

Seasons Greetings,

Posted: Dec 22nd, '11, 11:15
by Bertramp
easy guys ..... we dont wanna make the Sag Harbor, NY/Ft. Lauderdale, FL kid feel "uneasy" :-D

Posted: Dec 22nd, '11, 14:22
by Ed Curry
I don't know what you guys are complaining about. You only get to enjoy the elders of the clan, and only for the winter. We have to deal with their offspring all year round up here.
I think a bunch of my neighbors are retiring soon, They have big gold chains , Searays and land in Florida. I wish you would make them feel welcome. Maybe they would stay there.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '11, 15:00
by Face
In the Chesapeake they just stop you whenever they want without probable cause. I've never understood why nobody fights it. They wouldn't do the same on the highway.