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The New Coasties for the GOM

Posted: Dec 16th, '11, 10:43
by Capt. DQ
A Navy Sub in the GOM boarding a boat outta Destin, now thats your tax dollars at work. What happen to the Coasties, as I thought this was their job?


[img][img] ... 4287_n.jpg[/img][/img]

Posted: Dec 16th, '11, 11:08
by captbone
I suspect USCG was aboard as Navy can not do boardings. That is why USCG cant go into DOD.

Posted: Dec 16th, '11, 11:23
by captbone
That is a strange looking conning tower.

It does not look like an Ohio, Los Angeles, Seawolf, or Virginia class sub?

Are you certain this was taken in the GOM or did it come from a website and possibly a European body of water.

Posted: Dec 16th, '11, 12:25
by JP Dalik
The rod holder on that tower looks like standard issue GOM cobia fishing bling.

Coning tower looks like HMS Astute ... _Docks.JPG

Just a little board at work today.

Posted: Dec 16th, '11, 12:40
by Capt. DQ

This picture was supposely sent to a friend of mine here in P'cola from his friend in Destin. But no...I cannot guarantee this picture was taken in the GOM but my source said it supposely was, as thats all I know of right now. Trying to get him to get it confirmed.


Good observation that it is what I thought also.


Posted: Dec 16th, '11, 15:34
by lobsta1
I was trying to figure out where the heck there was a Destin in the Gulf Of Maine when I finally realized you were talking about the Gulf of Mexico.

Posted: Dec 17th, '11, 09:37
by dougl33
Definitely not a US boat.

Posted: Dec 17th, '11, 13:57
by BCBertie
Good eye, JP!

IMO, there is nothing worth less than forwarded emails. Since they appeal to the forwarder's sensibilities, they are never double checked for accuracy and just get sent around as gospel. Yet their hit rate for accuracy is abysmal...

Just my $.02. YMMV.


Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 12:17
by coolair
either way if i was tooling along out in the gulf and that pulled up next to me, i pay have to change my pants

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 12:42
by In Memory Walter K
I had one come up in sight of me off Block Island many years ago. Not a marking on it, huge, pushing water a couple of hundred yards in front of the tower.

Posted: Dec 18th, '11, 18:39
by Bruce
The Patriot act pretty much ran rough shod over many aspects of DOD rules and constitutional issues. I've never read all of the Patriot act but much of it is eye opening.

The asst AG under Bush and Gonzalez in a official memorandum pretty much gave the president the ability to suspend much of the constitution and other rules and regulations at will on American soil and in its territorial waters all in the name of fighting terrorism and unfortunately almost everything is terrorism related or could be.

In international waters all bets are off. After all wasn't it the seals who shot those Somali pirates and not the coast guard? After all that was just kidnapping. Not exactly a threat to US sovereignty, or was it?

Whose to say drug runners selling dope aren't supporting terrorist activities with the proceeds? So drug running becomes a terrorist activity all in the name to get around all the nice comfortable rules.

Posted: Dec 19th, '11, 10:39
by clay
I foul hooked one of these once, best thing you can do is get a couple of photos then cut the line and let it return to the deep blue.