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New knee

Posted: Dec 4th, '06, 17:54
by Mikey
I'm back! I think. Nov 13th I checked into Virginia Commonwealth University Hospital And the deed was done. This replacement was the untimate result of an accident in '94. Where most replacements are done in two hours or so mine took about four and a half. Recovery will be about three months (instead of one) which may make me crazy as I was heavily into the total restoration of Dreamsicle and it was really starting to look good. Now I have two months more of forced recess. Bummer.
But anyway, what's left of my codeine, anesthesia-riddled brain is thinking Bertram and fishing so things are obviously improving.
Sure I must have missed something while I was gone but I see UV is preparing pork roasts, Capt Pat is education us, the Brain is at his best, new names are popping up, new topics are filling the Board and all is right with the world.
Thanks for waiting guys, I'm running as fast as I can.

P.S. UV, Happy belated anniversary to you and Elaine.

Posted: Dec 4th, '06, 19:13
by Pete Fallon
I know what your going through. Don't rush the recovery, after 10 operations since 1978 I had my right knee totally replaced in August of 2005, 5 1/2 hours on the table. Had to have extra length implant special built by Dupuis (J&J) after 5 year old partial implant broke( late 2004) and took out 1/2" of bone on my lower leg. I've got a total rotating platform replacement in there now. The P.T. was worst than the actual operation, I think the therapists were trained by the Gestapo. In P.T. from Sept thru Nov. Just keep a supply of drugs on hand and don't push it too fast. You will find it will be a relief not to have the constant pain. Better living through drugs and engineering, almost as good as our old boats. Good luck with the recouperation.
Pete Fallon

Posted: Dec 4th, '06, 19:35
by In Memory of Vicroy
Mikey - thanks for the anniversary wishes, 40 years is a long time for her to put up with my b.s. And after seeing Pete walk around the FLL show with the best of us, it's worth it. Get you-self well, I need a boat driver.


New Knee

Posted: Dec 4th, '06, 20:57
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Mikey, sounds like it will be getting better, one day all of us will be bionic men - after al, our original parts wear out.

Posted: Dec 5th, '06, 01:18
by Matt Holcomb
Mikey, congrats on the new knee. I hope you have an uneventful recovery. Matt

Posted: Dec 5th, '06, 08:38
by Brewster Minton
PT is everything. Do it no matter what, as hard as you can, it will be worth it.Good luck.

Posted: Dec 5th, '06, 09:12
by Dug

Like Brewster said, PT is everything.

My mother had a double replacement (yep, both at once) about 2 years ago. I have to say that watching her go through that brought my level for love and respect for my Mom like nothing I have ever seen or experienced. When she decides something should be, like she will walk again without pain, there is nothing to get in her way that she won't just run over.

She will tell you that the PT was the key. She cried. She screamed. She refused, and fought. But overall, she knocked her way through and was committed from the start to maximize her recovery so it would be the best it could be. She is running around like a new woman.

So it will hurt. I know that from watching mom. But pain is temporary in this case. It is experienced and endured for the big picture. That being you will be able to walk and enjoy it again for the first time in years.

Good luck!!!!!


Posted: Dec 5th, '06, 09:45
by Rawleigh
Mikey: Ii wondered where you were!!! Call me if you need anything, including entertainment!! I'm only 5 min away. Yo' frien' Rawleigh

Posted: Dec 6th, '06, 17:24
by Chiles
You should have reminded me that you were going in. Cass works on the 11th floor and I am pretty sure that is where you ended up. She could have looked in on you and you could have told stories... on second thought, never mind. :)

Glad your back and I hope you are doing well. When are you expecting to get started on your boat again?

Please take your time and heal well. I know you are no stranger to PT.


Posted: Dec 6th, '06, 17:27
by TailhookTom
Mikey: Good luck with a fast and painless recovery.

"pain goes away, chicks dig scars, and Bertrams last forever!" Okay, so I made a few minor modifications -- shoot me!


Posted: Dec 7th, '06, 12:55
by offshore31
Mikey/Pete Fallon

Just got back from the dr that told me if i don't do it now, there won't be enough bone left to do it on. would be thankful for any advice/questions to ask the surgeons etc from those that have already gone down this painful path.

thanks in advance.
Joe (the nervous)

Posted: Dec 7th, '06, 19:21
by Pete Fallon
Find out what type of implant he wants to use, I have a full rotation platform knee made by Johnson&Johnson. It was extra length because of all the bone loss due to 10 previous surguries,arthritis and a failed partial implant. My surgeon is Dr. John Siliski at Mass General, one of the best. Be prepared for atleast 3 months of therapy, dailey for the 1 st month and 2 hours a day for 3 days a week for the remainder. Try and get the Quads as strong as possible before the operation and if your carrying any extra weight try and get it off before they cut. Do your homework on the doctor and what hospital he wants to use. I was goning to have it done in Florida before I found out that the infection rate was running between 8-10 per cent, Mass General had a 1 per cent rate. Nothing worse than a staph infection, be there once and my good friend Ed Murray died from staph which was preventable. Good luck and do it in the spring, crutches are a bitch to use in the ice and snow in New England.
Pete Fallon

Posted: Dec 8th, '06, 07:33
by offshore31

Thanks for the quick reply. He said he uses the Stryker Triathlon® Knee System. I've got a similar problem to yours, in that he'll need some extra length to make up for the bone loss. I'd like to have it done in Mass, but can't due to insurance. So it looks like it'll be done up in Manchester New Hampster by Dr Eric Benson. It'll either be at cmc, or the elliot hospital. I've got to do some more research on them. don't want an infection. the dr's a young kid but does 300/year. Definitly gotta work on the quads, and try to drop some lbs. i hear you about the snow and ice. but with such a short boating season up here, i want to be able to use the boat by june at the lateest.

Are you up north or down in fla right now?
Thanks again