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Quick Grin

Posted: Dec 2nd, '11, 11:08
by MarkS
I pointed to two old drunks sitting across the bar from us and told my friend, "That's us in 10 years".

He said "That's a mirror, you dip-shit!"

Posted: Dec 2nd, '11, 18:52
by ianupton
Very funny!


Posted: Dec 2nd, '11, 20:20
by IRGuy

Good one!

My contribution..

An Irishman is walking along a beach when he sees a bit of glass poking out of the sand..He pushes it with his foot and realizes it is an intact bottle with the top screwed down on it. He picks up the bottle and realizes a leprecaun is in the bottle. The little guy is screaming "Let me out! Let me out! If you let me out I will grant you any three wishes you want!"

The Irishman unscrews the top and the leprecaun pops out.. he stands on the sand and brushes himself off and says "Thank you.. thank you.. I have been in the bottle for years! OK, you let me out, and I owe you three wishes.. now what is your first wish?"

The Irishman thinks for a couple of seconds and finally says.. "Well.. I like a sip of whiskey once in a while.. how about some whiskey?"

The leprecaun says "Hold out your hand, I'm giving you a magic glass.. any time you want a drink just hold out your hand and the glass will appear.. full of the best Irish whiskey".

The Irishman holds out his hand and poof.. a glass appears, and it is full of the best Irish whiskey. The Irishman drinks it down in one gulp and poof again.. the glass is again full of whisky. The Irishman drinks that down and poof again.. the glass is again full.

The leprecaun says.. "Now I need to go, so why don't you tell me what your other two wishes are?

The Irishman looks again at the full glass.. thinks for a few seconds, and says..

"How about giving me two more of these?"

Posted: Dec 7th, '11, 22:12
by MarkS
Frank I love it!