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Happy Thanksgiving...

Posted: Nov 23rd, '11, 19:01
by Bob H.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Bertram Brothers.....Special thanks to Capt Pat for the how to on deck bonding...she's on for good..Plexus 590...2300 PSI...BH

Posted: Nov 23rd, '11, 21:12
by Harry Babb
That's a great shot Bob.

I feel the sense of accomplishment all the way down here.

Jo Ann says that a woman never has enough answer is that a craftsman can never have to many CLAMPS....and your pic proves my statement.

Do the threaded rods go all the way thru to the other side??


Posted: Nov 23rd, '11, 21:20
by Bob H.
Harry, Remember our talk about no crown in the deck after being on the dolly for so long? This is how I re crowned the deck..problem solved..BH

Posted: Nov 23rd, '11, 21:26
by Harry Babb
I see! ! And I do remember our conversation....correct me but I believe that fiberglass has at least some memory.....just needed some persuasion....and by george you have certainly persuaded it.

Working alone surely make you creative doesn't it! ! !

Happy Thanksgiving to you Brenda, Shawn, Kylee and Hanna....guess Bob and Ms Ellie are in Florida by now???
