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Another Bertram siting.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 16:32
by Mikey
Several years ago as I was planning the restoration of Dreamsicle I ran across a web-based magazine called Classic Yacht. I had several email conversations with the owner about a series of articles following the work. I have done two so far and because of the constraints of business and life in general I have finished neither Dreamsicle nor the articles, although my intentions are good. In the current issue on page seventy is a nod to our toys. Check it out.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 22:12
by Josh Johnson
Beautiful magazine, and heady company indeed. Congratulations. I love the motoryacht on pp20-21, and the photo of the 31 is a true classic. Nice work.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 22:38
by Josh Johnson
Please forgive the possible faux pas considering the most unhappy post that follows this one. I didn't even see it until after I read this and visited the link to the classic boats. My sincere condolences go out to the grieving family and friends.