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Tremendously sad news

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 02:27
by DanielM
Bertram 31 family,

It's with a heavy heart I pass on the following information. Mark Stange's daughter Mara lost her battle with cancer today. I would think he would want this group to know.

I'm at a loss for words right now so I'll just enclose an excerpt from the text I received from Mark.

"My baby lost her battle today. She is free of her pain and now giving orders in heaven"

Mark and Lehann, our prayers are with you. God Bless Mara. She touched many hearts in her too brief stay.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 02:45
by Rocky
My god Mark I am so sorry to hear this news. I am at a loss for words right now. Please take care of yourself and your family, I am very heartfelt for you brother Mark.. Sincerely, Rocky.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 07:20
by PeterPalmieri
Our prayers are with Mara.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 07:49
by ianupton
Mark -

I can't begin to imagine. A parent should never have to see a child pass before they do, especially as young as Mara.

Thoughts are with you.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 07:56
by Harry Babb
So sorry to hear.....My prayers are with Mark and his family.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 08:03
by Charlie J
iam at a loss for words, my prayers for mark and family

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 08:29
by Brewster Minton
Mark and Lehann our thoughts are with you.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 09:15
by IRGuy
Words can't express the sadness we all feel. Sometimes we just have to accept the fact that certain things were never meant to be, even cruel things like the loss of a child. As I try to type through tears Mark I wish you and your wife the strength to deal with your loss, and please know your grief is shared by my family and many others here. In time you will find some peace, until then I wish you all the strength you need to deal with this tragedy.

Today there is another angel in heaven!

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 09:16
by In Memory Walter K
Mark-My wife and I are stunned and tearful at this sad and awful news. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. No pain can be more severe than the loss of a child. Let the good memories of Mara overwhelm the painful ones. She is at rest now. You both did your best. Time to heal now. We send our love and wishes for strength. Walter and Dinaz

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 09:37
by randall
very very sorry to hear that. there really are no words.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 09:55
by Carl
I am so sorry. My prayers go out to you and your family.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 10:06
by coolair
So sorry Mark, as you know We are all still here for you if you need anything. She is in a better place now. Our thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 10:21
by jackryan

I am so sorry for you loss. She was an Angel on Earth. When I read the news this morning, I spent about 30 minutes searching old posts to see the picture you posted of her. I had to see that beautiful smile of hers again. I found a couple of pages of smiles. Here is a link to Mara's smile if you guys are interested: ... c&start=25

Our prayers go out to you, your family and most of all your angel, Mara.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 10:43
by Whaler1777
Cant even put into words what I want to say... Heaven gained an angel, I am sure of it... My utmost condolences to Mark and the rest of Mara's family and friends... May she be carried on the wings of angels...

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 11:02
by Ed Curry
My deepest sympathy Mark.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 12:33
by CaptPatrick

This is devistating news and I can only imagine the anquish that you and Lehann are going through at this moment.

It's got to be one of the most terrible times in a parent's life when they out live one of their children. My most sincere condolences.



Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 12:39
by pacific marlin
Mark and family,

I am so sorry for your loss,

My thoughts are with you.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 15:09
by captbone
I am so sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 15:27
by jspiezio

My deepest and sincerest condolences are all I have to offer. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.I will be out your way in a few weeks, if you need help with anything please do not hesitate to ask.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 15:56
by TailhookTom
Mark and Leeann:

My thoughts and prayers are with you and for your loss of your beautiful daughter. May she rest in peace and perpetual light shine upon her forever.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 16:10
by mike ohlstein
So sorry.....

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 16:20
by SteveM
I am very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 17:38
by John F.
I just can't put in words how sorry I am...

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 17:51
by Tommy
Danny, thanks for the tenderness in which you shared with us the saddest news that one could ever hear.

Mark and family, our hearts are broken upon learning of the loss of your dear, sweet angel.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 19:27
by MarkS
You guys are just incredible. I have no words either. 2011 will go down as the hardest days of my life. I want you all to give the biggest hugs to the ones you love the kids for sure. This is the blindside one always thinks happens to other people.

Save the harsh words, forgive quickly, don't leave the words "I love you" on the table. Take the high road, forgive your enemies, call someone you haven't in a long time and tell them how important they were in your life.

There is no question this is a short ride, smile more, joke more, kiss longer.

Love you guys,

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 19:29
by Capn' Tony
Our family's condolences in these sadest of times.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 22:20
by Peter

I am without words to express how I feel. I cannot imagine the fortitude it takes to get through this loss nor the courage it takes to continue.

I have always said to my water front friends "when we leve this harbor we are only going on ahead"

Please know that we are all with you and your family.


Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 22:37
by Tony Meola

I just don't know what to say. I am so sorry. Your family is in our prayers.

Posted: Nov 13th, '11, 22:53
by Capt. DQ
I only thing I know to say Mark is God Bless You Both through this time.


Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 05:48
by Hueso

I just read this post and I cannot imagine the pain your are going through at this time. My deepest condodolences to your family and you. She was to good to continue to suffer. My invitation to take you out is still on the table. Everytime we see a whale from now on, it will be a reminder of Mara and her will to battle such a condition. A hug from our island.


Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 06:45
by Bertramp
My heart and prayers at this sad time.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 07:48
by JP Dalik
Our family sends its Deepest Condolences

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 08:50
by Harv
My deepest condolences to you and Lehann at this most difficult time.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 09:19
by Dug

I like others here am completely speechless. I wish so much that I could do something, but all I have to offer is for you to know that you guys are so in Liz and my thoughts.

Thinking of you and Lehann. And the prayers have not stopped. Not one bit.


Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 09:42
by AndreF
So sorry.......

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 10:50
by Russ Pagels
Mark, our Condolences and prayers are with you and your wife..Russ and Barbara

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 11:39
by Mikey
Your words are so profound. I know that your smile will return and the best part of that short life is all your heart will hold.
God bless.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 12:37
by capy
May god bless you and your family as you try to cope with your grief and loss.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 12:44
by Stephan
We pray the Lord will comfort and defend your spirit.
The Sloans

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 13:13
by Rawleigh
I am at a loss for words Mark. I am so sorry!!

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 13:21
by John Swick
My most sincere condolences to you and your family.

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 13:23
by Bob H.
Mark, No words are big enough at this time....Your family is in our hearts..BH

Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 14:11
by Rocket
I don't know what to say except I will go home early today and spend some time thinking about Mara while being with my four young kids and probably letting them have some ice cream even if they don't eat all their peas.

Your courage and grace is inspiring and I am truly sorry for your loss.


Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 15:47
by Gert van Leest
I am so sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers .!


Posted: Nov 14th, '11, 16:24
by Rit

Please accept my most sincere condolences.
I have thought about your daughter, yourself and your family many times since you first spoke of her situation. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts.


Posted: Nov 15th, '11, 00:08
by MarkS
I come here at least once a day for strength. I had a house full tonight for the Packers game. The times with distraction are helpful. The times alone are long and painful.
Thanks again for the words my friends. Falls under the wonderful distraction and the thoughts of warm soft water with the boat and friends.


Posted: Nov 15th, '11, 09:20
by Rickysa
Mark, I don't have the words.


Posted: Nov 15th, '11, 10:50
by PeterPalmieri

Your strength is an inspiration.


Posted: Nov 15th, '11, 12:20
by IRGuy

It has been my experience that over time our minds seem to push the sad and difficult memories back and let the pleasant memories come forward. Reality can never truly go away, but things do get easier with time. You and Lehann did all you could, and nobody can fault anyone for that.. some things just were not meant to be. We play the cards we are dealt in life. Take some comfort in knowing that as difficult as things are right now.. with time they will become easier to accept. The things you are dealing with today are probably the worst life can throw at you.. small comfort I know, but if you take things one day at a time you will find increasing strength, even in sadness.

God bless you both!

Posted: Nov 15th, '11, 14:40
by opunui
Mark and Lehann,

Our deepest condolences to and your family.As the father of two girls i cant imagine the pain your going thru.

Our prayers are with you.
