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Back from the stone ages

Posted: Nov 7th, '11, 10:43
by TailhookTom
Day 9 of no power -- finally got away from the house to go to the place I work! Still many roads impassable (mine) and no power, telephone, etc. However, generator is running strong, so I have heat and light and my neighbors are staying with us until we get power restored -- the hazards of living on a cul de sac with 8 houses, which is off of two other tiny streets -- not a priority. Out utility sucks -- cause they never paid the out of state contractors who helped during Hurricane Irene.

I'm on my second generator -- the Kohler got ethanoled -- didnt' see that one coming (dumb on my part) but the new one is designed to run on up to 10% ethanol. The Kohler owed me nothing -- I got 17 years out of it! Had to use a hand cart and walk around power lines, downed trees and telephone poles to get to a spot where I could get the new one dropped off.

Kind of fun having 14 neighbors staying at my house -- made friends out of acquantainces. Thank God the electrician had updgraded my panel and added one of those filters that stablilizes generator power so we can watch DVDs (3 kids under 10 staying with me) and we can use computer controlled devices!

I'm out!


Posted: Nov 7th, '11, 16:29
by MarkS
14 neighbors!? Can I come visit you next summer Tom. I'll just bring my my close relation and a couple of dogs and cats!

I knew you were of the finest sort now this just proves it!

How do you figure out who buys the beer?

:-D Mark