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Terminal Boots

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 12:07
by mike ohlstein
Putting a winch on my quad, and the wires all came pre-made. Can't get the terminal boots over the lugs that go on the solenoid, and I don't want to re-do them.

I've seen some terminations done with stuff that looks like black forest cake mix gone wrong.

Anyone know what that stuff is and where to get some?

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 13:05
by Rawleigh
Like the Liquid Electrical tape" brush on rubber stuff??

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 13:11
by mike ohlstein
I guess. I don't really know. When I've seen it, it looks like tar.

Not black silicone. I want it to insulate, but I need to be able to remove it if (when) the soleniod takes a dump.

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 13:15
by In Memory Walter K
If the boots are still on the wires, try pushing them over the terminals in a heated environment (heat gun on low or hair dryer) using some sort of lubricant. The liquid tape works well but is not a simple removal when that becomes necessary.

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 13:17
by CaptPatrick
Starbright Liquid Electrical tape is the stuff. Brush it on in several thin coats, about 10 minutes between coats to keep drips and sagging to a minimum. Messy stuff...


Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 13:26
by CaptPatrick
If you want to slip the LET on and off, try covering the lug first with a single layer of aluminum foil. Be sure to add a dummy nut and bolt that will match the connection. Now paint up the lug nice and thick. Once the stuff sets up completely, shave off the back side. peel out the foil. Redneck lug cover...

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 13:49
by Charlie J
mike i know the stuff your looking for its a hard enamel permenent, has to be melted and poured, dont use the starbright electric coating to runny, i use 3 M, call me if you need some

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 13:51
by John F.
I've used the Starbrite stuff a bunch of times. Works very well. Cover up anything you don't want it on--its messy and stains gelcoat and pretty much everything else. I use q-tips to apply. Easier to control the amount, and just throw them away when done.

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 17:20
by Trey Dibrell
Get some larger boots. Try Aircraft Spruce on line.


Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 18:12
by Ed Curry
Why don't you buy the premade boots and slice open the sleeve, slide it onto the wire and tiewrap in place.

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 19:16
by bob lico
charlie he looking for that 3m tape that is 1/4" thick and conforms to any shape in his case by squeezing after applying . about 11/2" with one wrap.
use over bug nuts then follow with scotch 33 plus.

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 20:10
by mike ohlstein
I think that what I may have been thinking about is actually tar.

Seems that they sell battery 'toppers' that look like the old tar topped originals for restorations.

Anyway, this solenoid sits under the left rear fender, and will be covered with mud. I really need to protect the whole thing. I may wind up encasing the whole thing in tape.

Posted: Nov 2nd, '11, 05:26
by Charlie J
i know know what mikes looking for we use it to insulate primary tips on the primary boxes we use, hardens like a rock, mike i can give you secondary rubber blankets wrap it up tape

Posted: Nov 2nd, '11, 05:50
by mike ohlstein
I'll call you both over the weekend.