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Cool new stuff at Cabrera

Posted: Oct 28th, '11, 10:32
by TailhookTom
I saw this on facebook -- they have some nice looking modules here. I have no idea of the quality, fit and finish -- but the pictures look interesting.!!/ConchitaCabreraYacht

Posted: Oct 28th, '11, 15:22
by Dug
Can't find it dude. How is the windshield kit they make?

Posted: Oct 28th, '11, 15:25
by PeterPalmieri!/ConchitaCabreraYacht

Dug try it this way...Much better pictures then they have on the site. Looks like I saw an entirely new bridge layout but no windshield.

Damn didn't work cut and paste

Posted: Oct 28th, '11, 15:35
by TailhookTom

Search Bertram Boats Fiberglass Kits once in Facebook. They just put up 16 new pics -- some pretty cool things they have on there. Although they do have a pic of a 28 and claim it to be a 31, lol!

Posted: Oct 28th, '11, 17:11
by In Memory Walter K
I hate dumbness on internet sites. Come to think of it, I hate dumbness. More and more of it every day.

Posted: Oct 28th, '11, 18:20
by IRGuy
Present company excepted, of course!

Posted: Oct 28th, '11, 18:26
by CaptPatrick
Yeah, right, sure... I'm gonna' sign up with Face Book just to look at Regino's stuff...

In a hen's ass.

Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 07:46
by Dug
So I am thinking maybe you don't really like Cabrera huh Pat?

Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 08:11
by CaptPatrick
Cabrera's stuff is good.

Interfacing with Face Book spam collecting membership sign up is what I'm opposed to. Screw ALL of those global social networking sites... Face Book, Twitter, Myspace, etc.

Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 08:26
by Russ Pagels
Pat couldn't agree with you more. Way to much personal information floating around out in the cloud. Plus it goes against my witness protection agreement...Russ

Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 10:13
by randall
facebook has been fun for me as i get to see a lot of surf photos and work by artists i like. no spam that i can remember.

Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 10:15
by In Memory Walter K
Thank God I've finally found some people who agree with me!

Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 10:21
by Harry Babb
Russ wrote:Pat couldn't agree with you more. Way to much personal information floating around out in the cloud.
I have heard others say the same thing.....exacty what information are you speaking of???

I have fun on Facebook also......don't seem to have a problem with it.....but then again I don't see everything in reality all the time.



Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 20:28
by Marlin
actually there is a new social network for Bertram fans ,it's called Capt Patricks network

Posted: Oct 30th, '11, 21:31
by Tony Meola
Facebook is a dangerous animal if not used right. I agree with everyone, I don't need people knowing more than they already know, plus I hate those people who take your picture and then post it on Facebook.

No privacy anymore. Yes it is great for tracking down lost friends but it is all the other BS that goes on.

I am with Capt. Pat

Posted: Oct 31st, '11, 08:17
by JGomber
I know the location and telephone numbers of the important people in my life.
I know a few important email addresses.
I can get onto the B31 site.

THAT is all I need.

No desire to know the hour to hour activivites of people I hardly know nor to share my life with more than a few important-to-me people. No interest in texting. I'd rather hear a vioce. It is more real and carries more warmth.

No interest at all in facebook or any other social network sites. My attitude is, "So what?"

This became more of a rant than intended, but it was "heartfelt"!

I'm with Cap'n Pat.

Posted: Oct 31st, '11, 08:27
by Dug
You don't have to be "tagged" in a photo if you don't want to. If you are tagged by someone and you don't wish to be, you can always untag yourself. You do have a pretty large amount of control of what data is seen and so on, and more importantly you don't have to make that data available in the first place! No requirement. So if you have a problem with Facebook, look in the mirror, as its up to you as to what is available. Not up to them.

Example, you post that you are away for the weekend. Someone sees it, and breaks into your house. Whats the diff if they see it on facebook or here? Hell, many people just posted that they were going to be in Lauderdale this past weekend. Except this site is able to be viewed by "lurkers", and on Facebook at least you have to be a friend to see that status, as long as its not available to the public. But again, up to you as to how you set up your account?

No reason to sign up if you don't want to, but I didn't ask opinion. Mean team indeed!

Well, its good to know Cabrera is at least making stuff worth purchasing!


Posted: Oct 31st, '11, 08:44
by PeterPalmieri
Well its certainly easier for a business like Cabrera to set up a facebook profile and post a photo album. Which will alert anyone who "likes" them to get notification. Seems to be a better marketing tool in some ways then updating pictures on the website and hope people check in to see the update.

I'm not very active on facebook but I am friends with many long lost friends from HS and college as well as distant family members. It's an easy way for me to stay in touch and post family photos that I wish to share. I feel I have control over what personal information I wish to share. But of course that's my personal choice.

Facebook aside the photos are certainly more detailed then those on their site.

Posted: Oct 31st, '11, 08:51
by In Memory of Vicroy
Facebook is a Coommunist front plot similar to the Occupy Wall St. mob & Randall.

yo Fren'


Posted: Oct 31st, '11, 21:58
by Tony Meola
Dug wrote:You don't have to be "tagged" in a photo if you don't want to. If you are tagged by someone and you don't wish to be, you can always untag yourself. D

That is assuming I am a Facebook member. I know people who were at a party. Then they get a call from friends that say hey you were at so and so's house. Then they find out that there picture is all over facebook.

Where is UV sounds like a legal issue here.

Posted: Nov 1st, '11, 08:14
by Dug
That issue existed long before facebook. That issue is a camera issue, not a facebook issue.

Blame the shooter, not the gun.