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Coonass Humor

Posted: Oct 20th, '11, 14:48
by Harry Babb
Boudreaux and Thibodeaux went camping in the desert. After
they got their tent all set up, both men crawled in and fell sound asleep. Some hours
later, Thibodeaux woke Boudreaux and said, "Ma sha, look towards da sky,
what you see?"
Boudreaux replied, "I see millions of stars."

"What dat tell you?" asked Thibodeaux.

Boudreaux pondered for a minute then said: "Astronomically
speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially
billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in
Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in
the morning. Theologically,God is all-powerful and we
are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will
have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell you, Thibodeaux?"

Thibodeaux says: "Boudreaux, you dumber than cow s**t. It mean somebody done stole da tent

Posted: Oct 20th, '11, 15:00
by CaptPatrick
Thanks Harry!

I almost fell over laughin' at that one. It went a long way in irradicating my current funk.



Posted: Oct 20th, '11, 17:59
by Bob H.
Harry does have a knack to brighten up your day...many times when Ive had a lousy day and messed up a part on my 31...Id get a call from Harry and we'd laugh about our fo pa's....Its just glass hed say grind it off and do it again...Keep smiling Capt Pat..BH

Posted: Oct 20th, '11, 21:57
by IRGuy
Good one Harry! Thanks!

Posted: Oct 20th, '11, 22:15
by Harry Babb
the funk ain't no fun....keep your chin up.....remember you got friends here....

Glad you had a laugh

I remember a bunch of years ago....I had my "Dobber in the Dirt" about brother came over and we watched Cheech and Chong's "Up in Smoke".....after the first 10 minutes I had laughed so much my sides hurt......the image of someone's dog eating their "Weed" then Cheech following him around with a little plastic bag getting their $&it back just cracked me up......then when Chong lit up and said "Wow man.....this taste like dog shit".....just did me in......after that I could not even remember what I was in "Funk" about......

Laugh it off my friend


Posted: Oct 21st, '11, 06:28
by Bertramp
Cheech & Chong were funny then and their stuff is still funny!
game show host: "question Dave .... what is your name ? ...c'mon Dave, 10 seconds ...c'mon Dave
Dave: oh, don't tell me man !! :-D