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Harry Babb... Co-incidence or?????

Posted: Oct 5th, '11, 00:35
by IRGuy

Posted: Oct 5th, '11, 18:19
by Bob H.
Thats not the Harry Babb we all know...if so Denada wouldve been floatn a long time ago...BH

Posted: Oct 5th, '11, 23:59
by Harry Babb
Well's not me......I am not that quite that smart.....but then again how smart is he....he got caught! ! !

My dad's name is Harry and there is another Harry Babb who was an engineer for WEAR TV in Pensacola for years.....never heard of another Harold.

My uncle does geneology.......I will have to run this by him.

Funny though......the guberment can steal from citizens all the time but when the tables turn......oh's not quite the same....LOL


Posted: Oct 6th, '11, 00:18
by IRGuy
I knew it wasn't you, but when I saw the name I thought I would yank your chain just a little bit.

I knew a Bubb once, but you are the only Babb I know.

Posted: Oct 6th, '11, 07:54
by Harry Babb
Frank wrote:I thought I would yank your chain just a little bit.

Ha! ! ! That's what I miss about Thudd.....

You keep yanking Frank....I think its funny......spice it up here a bit.....

When you quote/unquote "Steal" from the gubernment.....that's not really stealing.....its just getting back part of what they stole from you.....but it does need to be done more on the "Down Low"

Speaking of Timmy......who made him mad.....he NEVER comes by to visit anymore.....


Posted: Oct 6th, '11, 08:03
by Rawleigh
Maybe he is scared we will rag on his new lifestyle! LOL!