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Grander in Cabo

Posted: Sep 27th, '11, 15:07
by MarkS

Posted: Sep 27th, '11, 21:17
by Tony Meola
Nice fish. Even if they had released it, I wonder if fighting that long it would have made it? Shame they could not weigh it.

Posted: Sep 27th, '11, 21:23
by coolair
lucky sob
gotta love cabo

Posted: Oct 10th, '11, 23:38
by JohnCranston
Do walleye get that big?
See ya'll in a couple of weeks, and, can't wait for the Cabo tournament the following.
Later, pal.

Posted: Oct 11th, '11, 13:21
by MarkS
Why yes, yes they do!

Lots of blues being caught and big tuna as well. Stripeys are a little thin though.

Posted: Oct 11th, '11, 15:58
by In Memory Walter K
Mark-Very sorry to hear that. Our love to Mara. Our prayers are with all of you. Walter

Posted: Oct 11th, '11, 21:42
by Tony Meola

Sorry to hear Mara is having a tough time. Our prayers are with her.

Posted: Oct 12th, '11, 00:54
by JohnCranston
It's all going to work out, big boy. The docs at MD Anderson with God's help...miracles happen there daily, and, Mara will be included...I just know it. Lets just take baby steps and keep chugging along,and, it will all work out...I promise.
Keep the faith, brother.