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USS Independence @ P'cola NAS

Posted: Sep 19th, '11, 12:47
by Capt. DQ
We have a visitor visiting Pensacola NAS.

[img][img] ... 0591_n.jpg[/img][/img]

Posted: Sep 19th, '11, 15:16
by Harry Babb
I'll bet that is quite a sight watching her cruise across the Gulf then thru the pass......

Doug, do you know if the Angels were performing somewhere yesterday.....I was outside working on DeNada when 3 jet that looked like the Blues came over in a V they were coming home from somewhere???


Posted: Sep 19th, '11, 15:49
by Capt. DQ

I think they were just out flying as I had seen 4 of the blue's take off yesterday about mid morning, did not see Fat Albert or any of the others leave.
