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A nice little story

Posted: Sep 11th, '11, 11:45
by JP Dalik
We have several members on this board who are part of the Manasquan River Marlin and Tuna Club.

It was August 31 and our first fish day in the 31st Annual MRMTC Offshore Open we were the second boat out of the inlet at midnight and on our way to what we hoped was a great day of fishing.

We putted at idle for a few miles through the Irene debris field and then throttled up to lock in a lines in time of 5:30am, well 4 miles out and 14.5 kts later we catch one of these


I was on the wheel and felt the wrap immediately on the port side, went to neutral, threw the underwater lights on and whoa, chocolate milk- nobody was swimming in that crap (literally it was poo water) limped in on one got our fish day cancelled and went for haul out.

Some thought it would make a nice hairpiece but I'm more of a "summer" and prefer natural fibers over poly.

After removal and No damage we ended our tournament fishing Thursday and Saturday.

The most notable part of the story is that on the way in our crippled condition we had 2 of the 4 boats fishing with us offer to turn around and tow us in, one had already rigged a bridal and was turning to get us...... total class acts.

We have a nice little fishing club- thought it would be nice to tell a good news "people" story today.

Posted: Sep 11th, '11, 16:45
by Mikey

Posted: Sep 11th, '11, 18:40
by Capt. DQ
Man JP, lucky that didn't really ruin your your day. Sounds like y'all have a good bunch of club members.

I can tell ya! chocolate or clean, I don't wanna ever have too swim in it, especialy early in the morning.


Posted: Sep 11th, '11, 19:25
by Bob H.
Thats a piece of pot warp if Ive ever seen one...Nice to know your club guys have your back..Ive been on the wrong end of a tow a few times and I owe that guy big time...he gave up his whole day of fishing much like JPs gang were ready to do...hardcore fisherman are a different breed..BH

Posted: Sep 11th, '11, 19:44
by Ryan
I sent you a PM.

Posted: Sep 11th, '11, 21:11
by Tony Meola

I doubt you would have seen that even in good daylight. Sounds like you have a great group. I know people who would have left you out there to bob around. Something I could never.

It suprises me at how many people will pass someone up because they just don't want to be bothered.

Posted: Sep 12th, '11, 09:58
by Dug
JP, nice to hear they had your back.

There is a lot of crap out there...

As I said in a post yesterday or Saturday, we passed a round bale of hay on Saturday morning. Yep, a round bale...


Posted: Sep 12th, '11, 16:48
by Carl
It's always great to hear about people like that! It really gives a bad day a Silver Lining...and thats more then just another great day on the water catching fish.