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Other possible repercussions due to Irene

Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 15:38
by CaptPatrick
Just to fore warn everyone, our Web Hosting company is in Easton, MD.

There is a very good chance that we will lose service sometime Sunday morning and it could be a while before that service is back on line...

Here's hoping that all of you in the path of Irene come out of it safe and sound!

Best regards,


Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 18:56
by John F.
Easton, MD...about 25 minutes from here. Gonna' be an interesting weekend.

Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 20:23
by Harry Babb
Capt Pat wrote:There is a very good chance that we will lose service sometime Sunday morning and it could be a while before that service is back on line...

Ohhh! ! ! NO! ! ! ! Pat....that just cannot happen! ! ! This website is more addictive that Crack......LOL! ! !

Guess I will have to turn to Crackbook for my current least until the storm blows over.

Seriously....I certainly wish the best for all of my northern friends in the path of Irene. Your gonna be just fine, I am sure.

I know there are a lot of miles between us but if there is anything that I can do please gimme a call.
