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Much luck out east!

Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 10:31
by MarkS
Most of you likely won't have time to read this because you are scrambling to get your stuff in order but know those of us away from Irene are wishing you the best of luck and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Stay safe,

Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 10:33
by Rawleigh
Thanks for the prayers and the good advise Mark!! We may need both of them!

Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 11:34
by Dug
Nah, Mark, its all good. Thanks! Use your prayers for Mara!!!!

I'm in the office so no distraction for me yet... Sunday, another story!

Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 13:36
by TailhookTom
Thanks Mark -- but as Dug said, we reserve the prayers for Mara. "Stuff" is insured and can be replaced.

Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 14:29
by Carl
TailhookTom wrote:Thanks Mark -- but as Dug said, we reserve the prayers for Mara. "Stuff" is insured and can be replaced.

Couldn't have said it better...

but thanks,

...this ones looking to be one hell of a duzzy. Moon tides and a Storm Surge...always wanted a house with my boat floating at the dock in the back yard....but I was hoping to have a house on the water...not in it.

Gunna be a long weekend.

But its only "Stuff"


Posted: Aug 25th, '11, 18:49
by Bob H.
Thanks for the kind thoughts Mark..Tomorrow am. Westwater goes into New Bedford Harbor behind the Hurricane barrier, Fairhaven Shipyard had a spot for the old girl..should be safe from surge and wind in there, gates should close late saturday night..wait and see..BH

Posted: Aug 26th, '11, 08:41
by Dug

I know you have had a tough week. I hope you feel better. My thougths are deep for you guys.

As I said on FB, take a boat ride with the family. Catch a sunset, take a swim, give and get some hugs.

Take care my friend...


Posted: Aug 26th, '11, 14:10
by MarkS
I saw you post there Dug. As always thanks, you are good people.
