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Cool Picture!

Posted: Aug 10th, '11, 21:54
by Capt. DQ
This is definitely a boater's nightmare looking at this storm front coming at you. This was a storm front that passed over P'cola Beach Tuesday Afternoon, it got your attention whether you were on land or sea.

[img][img] ... 1126_n.jpg[/img][/img]

Posted: Aug 10th, '11, 22:30
by Harry Babb
This is one of those "Sit in a chair, put your elbows on your knees bend over and kiss your butt good by clouds"

The last time I saw something like that was 25 miles off shore......was a beautiful day.....went down for a 25 minute dive and when I came up the day had deterioated to something like you showed in the pic...

ouch! ! ! long ride home that day
