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Posted: Jul 12th, '06, 08:27
by Bill G.
Hi guys,need a little help.Had to make a panic stop in order not to
hit a jet ski coming out of a lagoon,i was at about a 1k rpms and
pulled her from foward to reverse and heard a clunk from both sides.
I don't know how durable the trans are.I believe they are velvet drives,
no signs of a problem but i don't know what to check for in terms of having done any damage?.
thanks, Bill G.

Posted: Jul 12th, '06, 08:43
by Rawleigh
Probably not at 1000 rpms. Bruce can better answer this question, but see his response about the springs in the drive plates under the following post.


Posted: Jul 12th, '06, 15:42
by Harry Babb
I would seriously doubt that you have damage the transmissions at all. I have done the same thing with no consequence. Just for peace of mind I would certainly check the couplings to make sure that they are still tight. There is a chance that the sudden shift could loosen the setscrews that keep the shaft from sliding out of the coupling. The noise most likely came from the drive plate. Bruce very accurately desceibed the function and failures and care of drive plates about a week ago. You should read his post. If the setscrews are still tight aganist the shaft and you do not have vibration I would just go fishing.

Posted: Jul 12th, '06, 15:55
by In Memory of Vicroy
Don't worry about it, they are fine. I've done that a bunch of times with my ZFs and no problem. Down in Panama they use the velvet drives and back the hell out of them. They told me they had a problem burning them up and put gear oil coolers on all of them and problem solved. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, or the enemy of good is better.


Posted: Jul 12th, '06, 16:08
by Bruce
While the drive plate took most of the jolt in the springs, 1k rpm is not that high and they should be fine.

That's not to say shifting at 1k is good. (legal disclaimer)