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Cell phone numbers being published!

Posted: Jul 22nd, '11, 17:17
by IRGuy
I received the following info in an email today....

Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month

REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.


To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 1-888-382-1222.

It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.

Posted: Jul 22nd, '11, 18:23
by Kevin
Or if you like to have fun with people.........

Tell them you need all their information because you are conducting a homicide investigation on the deceased victim that they have called.

I did it once and the call was very brief.

Posted: Jul 22nd, '11, 18:32
by farside
Just an FYI but this is just a chain mail going around that is not accurate, quite the opposite in fact. More information here:

Posted: Jul 22nd, '11, 18:40
by Brewster Minton

Posted: Jul 22nd, '11, 18:59
by randall
Kevin wrote:Or if you like to have fun with people.........

Tell them you need all their information because you are conducting a homicide investigation on the deceased victim that they have called.

I did it once and the call was very brief.

ha ha...thats a good one kevin. i used to try and sell them life insurance...that made for some quick calls too.

now with caller ID....i don't answer if i don't know who's calling.

Posted: Jul 22nd, '11, 19:12
by Kevin
Yeah that is where I got it. I could not nearly duplicate the dialouge though. I wish that had had a printed copy so I could have done a better job but I am not sure it would have gone that far anyways.
Another one that I tried is the distraught family member that is in town for the wake or funeral. People have a tough time trying to continue selling something when you tell them your brother is dead.
I know......I am not right.

Posted: Jul 22nd, '11, 19:25
by IRGuy
OK.. the email is bogus, but the federal gov't number is not.. I am calling that number later to be sure if thjere is a do not call list I am on it. I hate those damn robocalls!