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A must for your office

Posted: Jul 15th, '11, 16:00
by captbone

Posted: Jul 15th, '11, 18:15
by Tony Meola
Interesting but from the picture some thing does not look quite right. I think the sheer line is too straight.

Posted: Jul 15th, '11, 18:36
by CamB25
How does one "lovingly pack" something?? Or should I ask...

Posted: Jul 16th, '11, 08:22
by Bruce
That doesn't appear to be an original but a reproduction which was a mold taken off the original which does make it look funny somehow.

Posted: Jul 18th, '11, 10:22
by JP Dalik
Would look better if the hull half was mounted with the bottom of the hull level not the top. Think that adds to the "weird" look.

Posted: Jul 18th, '11, 11:45
by Stephan
Yeah the perspective makes it a tougher call. The sheer, chine and bow flair all look wrong to me, also can't tell about the tumblehome. Might this be a Hunt Surfhunter mold marketed as a 31? At least they didn't get the props wrong...