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First one of the season for Manasquan

Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 10:18
by JP Dalik

The old girl continues to raise some beauties. One for 2 yesterday on 200lb class fish. This one weighed 194 lbs gill collared. Missed another blast that didn't come tight. Had 7 yellowfin as well, mostly throw backs.

Cort lasted one and a half hours in the chair before handing it off to his grandfather to finish off (a short 20 minutes later). I'm really proud of his effort, that was a tough critter.

Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 10:22
by In Memory of Vicroy
Congrats - sushi anyone? Nice fish.


Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 11:17
by bob lico
one hell of a fighter at that weight. well done!!!

Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 12:12
by John F.
Nice guys are really good...

Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 16:33
by Capt. DQ
Yep, Cort did good on that Turbo-charged BO-BO! Congrats guys!


Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 16:56
by Capt.Frank
JP, You guys are on a roll this year. Very Nice!!

Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 20:37
by Harry Babb
Thats great JP......really proud for you guys! ! !

Give Cort my congrats......that's quite a kid you have there


Posted: Jun 27th, '11, 20:59
by Bob H.
NICE fish....chirp found em..Chimera riased em..Cort stuck a fork in em...Ive seen grown men give up on a fish after 45 minutes..tough kid..pat on the back all around..Keep slaying em and post lots of pics...BH