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Happy customer

Posted: Jun 17th, '11, 18:58
by Brewster Minton
Sight‐casting for Stripped Bass
Bill Nevins
Every now and then I get a chance to brag about something besides fishing. My most recent
accomplishment‐by‐proxy was my daughter Katharine’s graduation from Harvard Business
School. Attending the graduation ceremony left me with the impression that tomorrow’s
business leaders are going to be a diverse lot, as young white males were heavily outnumbered
by both women and minorities in the long line of graduates waiting the receive their MBA’s.
Attending Katharine’s graduation also left me on the East Coast at the end of May. My wife
was occupied in her endless quest to unload her former residence in Connecticut. Never one to
let a fishing opportunity pass me by, I decided to spend the Memorial Day weekend fly‐fishing
for stripped bass in their ancestral home. Being a complete novice in the art, I engaged the
services of Capt. Brewster Minton (see Brewster is best
known as a tuna hunter (see ... 4024EjkDjY),
but will also take clients stripped bass fishing on the flats in Shinnecock Harbor. One normally
associates “flats” with bonefish and the exotic tropical locations. While Capt. Brewster can’t put
you onto bonefish in Shinnecock Harbor, he is an expert at finding stripped bass from the polling
platform on the stern of his 16’ Dolphin.
I’ve been bonefishing before, and found flats fishing for stripped bass remarkably similar.
Capt. Brewster spotted the quarry well before an inexperienced client like myself, gave me the
range and direction, and told me when to cast. As your fly settles into the water, Instead of
twitching it, you tuck your fly rod under your arm and begin stripping vigorously. With a wellaimed
cast, this often results in a strike. However, you must continue stripping your fly until the
stripped bass is soundly hooked. If you think of a bonefish as a thoroughbred, then a stripped
bass is more like a Clydesdale. It does not run as fast, but it is much stronger! I wore my arm
out reeling in a 20 pounder while Capt. Brewster was urging me on to greater efforts so that I
could cast to the other schools of stripped bass coming toward us across the Shinnecock flats.
All‐in‐all, one of my best fishing weekends ever!

Posted: Jun 17th, '11, 19:42
by randall
there you go. nice!!

Posted: Jun 17th, '11, 19:43
by Harv
Well done Brew!

Posted: Jun 17th, '11, 19:45
by Brewster Minton
Sorry, Shameless.

Posted: Jun 18th, '11, 05:08
by Ed Curry
I hate MBA's. But, you must be pretty good if you left an impression on that proud poppa.