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Just sayin'....

Posted: May 25th, '11, 17:48
by Buju
Life's good
especially when ya got 60lbs of crawfish to dive into

Posted: May 25th, '11, 18:16
by In Memory of Vicroy
Save the crawfish heads and I'll give you my recipe for crawfish bisque. I've been making it all week. Stuffing the heads is the ultimate Coonass art form.

Those are nice size too, and obviously someone knew what they were doing on the boil.


Posted: May 25th, '11, 18:53
by Bob H.
Buju, Those are some big ass crawfish...I can only imagine how good they taste...and with UVs Bisque recipe..Im flat out guys have it made..our craw dads barely fit on a hook..BH

Posted: May 25th, '11, 20:08
by Harry Babb
Bob wrote:Im flat out guys have it made
But guys have New England Clam Chowder......the thick and creamy type......



Posted: May 25th, '11, 21:53
by IRGuy
I never have been to a crawfish boil! One of the things I need to do before I die!

Posted: May 25th, '11, 21:58
by In Memory Walter K
My first one was at a UVI...the Ultimate Combination! Looked just like that picture, dumped on a newspaper covered table on a Port Eads dock.

Posted: May 26th, '11, 08:16
by randall
and about midnight some were still pickin thru the pile.

Posted: May 26th, '11, 08:35
by RussP
That stogie is really smoking up the place.

Enjoy the holiday,

Posted: May 26th, '11, 20:15
by Buju
obviously someone knew what they were doing on the boil.

Damn UV, coming from you, thats about the best compliment I've had in my life. It's right up there with Patrick saying "pretty work" on some teak I did. I'm not taking either lightly.
But yeah, it certainly aint my first rodeo. Got 40 more lbs showing up tommorrow.
But UV, spill on saving the heads...
There aint much left of em after I crush the carapace and suck the head... I guess the key would be to not crush the carapace huh? We've made some great etouffe with left overs, and the bride has made a mean bisque with em a few times too.
My favorite next day dish is my brides "boil potato salad". We started that years ago because there always seems to be a lot of potatos left.
So we'd chop 'em up and throw em in a bowl with all the crawfish tail and large clawmeat we had left.
Then dice up a good amount of andoulle, the boiled garlic cloves/bulbs, and a few carrots and celery for crunch and sweetness.
Cut the leftover corn off the cob and add.
Stir in a healthy glob of mayo
Add a good amount of additional boil seasoning and stir.

Looked just like that picture, dumped on a newspaper covered table on a Port Eads dock.

Thats the way to go. Except I throw mine on a 8' wide teak swim platform that I through-bolted to two tree's in my yard to make a very effective bar (the Leaky Teaky Bar that is) covered in bldrs paper...

Thats the steam coming off the crawfish Russ... my story anyway.

BTW, anyone can get crawfish like this delivered live to their door. We've got a few sources we've been ordering from for the last decade or so:

In my opinion, (Fruges) far outshines the others. Their crawfish are farmed in their own paddys, are consistantly larger and lively,
and are shipped pre-purged.
So when they show up, just a good rinse of the sack, throw 'em on ice with drainage, and cover with the supplied burlap.
These (in the pic) came from Fruges...

If we ever have another Bertram event in SFL/the Keys, I'd be honored to boil for ya'll.

Posted: May 27th, '11, 06:39
by Bruce
You ought to apply for a government grant and run them on a treadmill before you boil em. Worth half a mill from what I hear.

Posted: May 27th, '11, 06:56
by In Memory of Vicroy
Buju - send me an email - and I'll send you my recipe for crawfish bisque, perhaps the ultimate Coonass food.....not easy to fix, but do-able if you have the time to fool with it.

Better hurry tho, we are leaving for the camp in a little while, taking our 11 year old middle granson who is death to gar fish, snakes, frogs, turtles, large grasshoppers, etc. I caught him sighting in his bb gun on a hummingbird in flight the other day and managed to stop him before the Bride clobbered him....I never, never did that kinda stuff when I was a kid....even tho he's using MY bb gun.


Posted: May 27th, '11, 08:53
by Mikey
Is that the BB gun you had as a kid? I still have my Daisy and it works well. Can't say that about much built today but in 1949 . . .

Posted: May 30th, '11, 14:23
by In Memory of Vicroy
Yep....Daisey Red Ryder, plus a Benjamin pump that still packs a wallop. Hunter, the 11 year old, had a helluva weekend....caught a nice 3 foot alligator gar, a huge blue channel catfish, some crabs, shot two snakes, cught bream, bass, mullet & hand fed a white egret named Henry. We went bull shark fishing down around the mouth of the Tickfaw with no luck so stopped at the Prop Stop for a Swamp Burger....the place has changed hands and the burgers were awful compared to the original...beware...I hope it was just a bad batch of meat, but it had a lot of gristle in it and three or 4 times the red pepper they used to have. The Silicone Ladies were out in force, so the place still has some attraction to.

But keeping up with an 11 year old for 4 days pretty much put ole Uncle Vic in the bed....its so hot here - 94 and super humid - that doing anything much outdoors is a slow motion exercise. But we had fun and didn't break anything major.