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2 beauties... correction : 3 beauties

Posted: May 19th, '11, 16:00
by luis
when I say beauties I mean the Horse and the Boat and the Truck, not me ... just in case of any doubts.




all the best

Posted: May 19th, '11, 19:24
by Tony Meola

Nice looking horse. Your 31 is truly unique. How does she handle with all the top side weight?

Posted: May 20th, '11, 02:22
by luis
Hi, well she handles very well. When I buy her, long time ago, I replace the fuel tank by another that only handles 500 liters and I remove side water tanks and place a fresh water tank down in the midle forward the engines this reducing the weight on the back. The water line in the stern is just around 10 cms above and this with all the stuff for me and my wife and our 2 kids (in the date of the picture with 18 and 24 years old), for vacations during 2 weeks. Cruising normally at 14/15 knts. We already caught sometimes long waves of about 4 to 5 meters and its a "patrol boat" like my wife says.Here, we are almost leaving after 2 weeks vacations, about 45 miles up on a river, having lunch.
Last time that we take her out,for bottom painting,on the travel lift, she was around 6 tons. (heavy lady). On the family around 25 years and now doing a big big repair to keep another 25 years and give my grandson the next big repair.

Posted: May 20th, '11, 06:48
by SteveM
Very interesting lifestyles we have around the world, connected by boating and the B31. Thanks for posting.

Posted: May 21st, '11, 20:24
by Bob H.
Lookn good Luis...hope that dodge has a Cummins in it...Get those mounts fabed up? BH

Posted: May 21st, '11, 22:49
by Tommy

Thanks for sharing; I like all three forms of horsepower that you have. Why don't you hop on a plane and come to one of the Bertram Rendezvous that will occur in the US this summer?

Posted: May 22nd, '11, 00:59
by Ironman
with 5 lug nuts ..its only a 1/2 ton.. no cummins stock motor in it..
maybe a hemi

Posted: May 22nd, '11, 06:57
by Buju
Too old for a Hemi, they brought that back in '03.
I'm calling it a 5.9 mag...

Posted: May 22nd, '11, 15:16
by luis
Well the horse is from a friend but its almost like mine.
The truck is a 1/2 from 95 with a 5.9 magnum runing on gas and LPG and I buy it to a guy that bring it from Canada. Assembled in Mexico, Lago Alberto. Its a hell of a truck. I didnt mind at all if it was an Hemi.
Well Bob the mounts should be ready in the end of July. Made by a friend.
Thanks again for the samples.
I hope one of these years I can go and be on a Bertram Rendezvous and know in person many of you guys. Thanks for the invitation Tommy.

All the best

Posted: May 22nd, '11, 15:35
by Bertramp
Luis ...
This post from you shows how big and small this world is.
Thanks for sharing buddy .... all the best