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hole in one

Posted: May 12th, '11, 16:21
by randall
i went fishing from the kayak for an hour this afternoon in hook pond which is in the middle of the maidstone golf club. i'm just drifting and casting when these two young fellows tee up for a par 3 that goes right over me with the green on the other side. damn if the first guy dosen't ace it. i never saw one in real time before...let alone live, let alone from the kayak.

Posted: May 12th, '11, 16:37
by Rawleigh
Were you his witness?

Posted: May 12th, '11, 17:07
by randall
no...he was playing with another guy. i wasnt going to get out of the kayak and get involved with a club that would never have me as a member. although the two young men were very friendly ...a hole in one is a pretty good mood elevator. i'm talkin yellin and screamin.

brings to mind the old groucho joke...."i'd never join any club that would have me as a member". the rest of the story is that while playing at a restricted club as a guest (no jews) they told groucho he could play golf but couldn't go in the pool. he replied......."my daughter is only half jewish....can she go in up to her waist?"

Posted: May 12th, '11, 17:22
by In Memory of Vicroy
I grew up on a golf course and hit a hole in one when I was about 12...par 3, hit a concrete culvert, ball bounced up on the green and went in the hole.....but it was not the hole I was playin'....screw it, still a hole in one, right?

Randy, but did you catch any fish?


Posted: May 12th, '11, 18:40
by randall sure that wasn't miniature golf?

i got a real good work out but no fish. i'm going back to the holographic shad i have such good luck with. today was kind of an experiment. tomorrow i'm going fluke fishing on my friends 60 foot bertram (i know thats only half as big as your friends) i bet i do better tomorrow.

if you want to catch fish (and you're me) go fishing with people who know how.

Posted: May 12th, '11, 20:44
by Harry Babb
Randall, the golf ball story did not go quite as I was expecting......I thought you were gonna say that the ball landed in the Kayak with ya.

Right after hurricane Frederick a company named Formost from California completely irrigated the course at Marriotts Grand Hotel in Point Clear Al.

I spent many hours in the field welding pipe for these guys. The first day I was instructed to ALWAYS park the truck facing the Tee and leave the hood up......saves your windshield. Damndest thing one day I was in a hole about 5 feet in dia and about 2 feet deep welding and a golf ball landed in the hole with me.

No where is safe on a golf course.....FOREEEEE! ! ! !


Posted: May 12th, '11, 21:19
by randall
harry....the thought crossed my mind as he teed up.

Posted: May 12th, '11, 21:37
by Tony Meola
randall wrote: i wasnt going to get out of the kayak and get involved with a club that would never have me as a member. "

Back in the day that was a real common practice. Thought it was pretty much over with. We used to have a huge Country Club up here in NJ called the Tammy Brook with it's sister club the Tammy Crest. Back in the late 50's early 60's, when Italians were not well accepted, a gentleman by the last name of Tamberelli who was a builder was denied access to a club that is actully still pretty WASPY. He said the hell with all of you I am going to build a bigger and better golf club. He did. Was a great place. Unfortunately, when the housing market took off in the late 80's and 90's they sold it off and built Mansions. I guess that is progress.

Posted: May 13th, '11, 06:28
by randall
tony....i grew up less than a mile from a club my dad couldn't play at. sooo...he got together with about 20 other guys....and bought it. the let any member that wanted to stay stay.....and a bunch did. he was once the "B" champ. great long game...putt.....not so much.

Posted: May 13th, '11, 17:57
by randall holes in one today but following my theory of fishing with guys that actually know how....i caught the biggest fluke of my short fishing career. however my friends stanley and cap't jay (pictured here) caught bigger ones. 6 fish over 25 inches and two flirtin with 30.. lotta meat.


Posted: May 13th, '11, 18:23
by AndreF
nice flounder

Posted: May 13th, '11, 19:42
by Bob H.
Nice pair of doormats...thats some goooood eatn...the big ones move through first, keep at it...BH

Posted: May 13th, '11, 20:08
by bob lico
were they near greenlawn area of shelter island or greenport area?

Posted: May 13th, '11, 20:20
by In Memory Walter K
Bob, I'm pretty sure they were on the south side of Montauk Point by the Radar tower. Greenlawns Spring run has been somewhat disappointing in recent years. Used to be big doormat territory in May.

Posted: May 13th, '11, 21:15
by Harry Babb
Randall.....what am I looking at here???? Is this real...wink wink....or is this another piece of your great art work????


Posted: May 14th, '11, 08:55
by randall
walterk wrote:Bob, I'm pretty sure they were on the south side of Montauk Point by the Radar tower. Greenlawns Spring run has been somewhat disappointing in recent years. Used to be big doormat territory in May.
ding ding ding....we have a winner......exactly right. we were doing ok and then we moved out a bit to 65 feet and all hell broke loose for about an hour.