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Posted: May 8th, '11, 19:51
by Brewster Minton
I will be doing charters as a job from now on. Bertram 31 members will get a discount. 10% will go to site. Offshore, tuna, sword, marlin, inshore fly fishing on flats on 16' dolfin. 631 457 2587. If you know people who want to catch fish tell them to call me. Thank you. Brewster

Posted: May 8th, '11, 20:05
by Harry Woods
All the best on your new venture. Happy to pass it on around town. You are making it harder to get a good lobster around here.

Posted: May 9th, '11, 05:40
by Charlie J
brew sounds good, set up a web site

Posted: May 9th, '11, 08:36
by randall
i'll pass the word. a good deal for folks that actually want to catch fish.

my is easy. find the best fishermen and go fishing with them. its worked so far.

Posted: May 9th, '11, 18:50
by Bruce
I'll pass the word for ya.

Ditto on the web site.

Posted: May 9th, '11, 18:51
by Bob H.
Brew, Put me down for a tuna lesson, I mean charter...just say when...only way to learn is to fish with the best..BH

Posted: May 10th, '11, 08:18
by PeterPalmieri

I'd be interested in doing that trip with you. Mentioned it to a buddy who is in the process of buying a house out Brews way and he wants to learn from the best as well.


Posted: May 10th, '11, 13:37
by ZeroCavity
Good luck ! Website is a must.

Posted: May 10th, '11, 13:48
by Rawleigh
Brew: Did you sell your business??

Posted: May 10th, '11, 14:28
by Brewster Minton
I retired and started a francies. Just going to fish now and spend time with my son Wickes.

Posted: May 10th, '11, 14:37
by In Memory of Vicroy
Brew - welcome to the world of the retired....working sucks, pure & simple.


Posted: May 10th, '11, 14:52
by TailhookTom
Brew - I lost your number, along with ALL my numbers when I dropped my Blackberry last week. Please send me a text or call my phone when you have a minute so I can have yours again -- I might have some referalls from my way as well.

Also, get with The Professor and get some shirts and hats printed up, extra profits from the charters when you sell them some wearable advertising!


Posted: May 10th, '11, 15:00
by Brewster Minton
Its 631 457 2587

Posted: May 18th, '11, 14:52
by Brewster Minton

Posted: May 18th, '11, 18:17
by Buju
That didn't take long!
I like the old photos, but thinking they'd look better if they were juxtaposed by some more recent pics as well?
How old were you with that bonefish Brew? First one? Cool.
You buy the Dolphin down here and bring it back with ya? Good little hulls, the 16 and 18. Cloned 'em off the Sidewinder hull...

Posted: May 18th, '11, 18:29
by randall
that should work.....

Posted: May 19th, '11, 07:39
by tunawish
Looks Great, I like the way the site operates..... My opinion but maybe a link to the articles and interviews.."just call him brew" etc.. would be good to see there... and as Buju mentioned some cleaner pics .. I have same problem on my web site with older scanned pics and my customers make comments all the time about them needing to be changed...
That was quick though... I like the old school "hand out /flyer" feel to the site..Try get as many links as possible to help get yourself up there in the Google searches...tackle shops.. the marina your in...etc...Anywhere there is high volume ...and list the business in Google Maps..(it's free)

The Best of Luck ..

Posted: May 19th, '11, 08:58
by PeterPalmieri
Hey brew,

I sent your website link to a few guys in Eastern Fly Rodders. They are having an event on Saturday where they all go wade fish around the bridge area in shinnecock. So sending your link is timely.

There are also many marlin and tuna clubs out my way that are always looking for a presentation on offshore fishing. If you put a power point together discussing your techniques, it is great advertising to guys who would love to drop some bucks on a charter as a lesson from a real pro. I'd be more then happy to help you out building an effective presentation (finally something I can add value to on this site).

BTW brew took me out site fishing on Friday, we had a blast. If it wasn't for a couple of bad casts on my end we would have landed some nice bass.

Posted: May 19th, '11, 09:36
by TailhookTom

There is no such thing as a "bad cast," other than no cast at all! There are unfortunate fish movements, or ill timed wind shifts, but NEVER is there a bad cast!


Posted: May 19th, '11, 10:18
by PeterPalmieri

Site fishing for striped bass on long island with the fly rod is not all that common. I only know a handful of guys that appreciate that passion and I can enjoy fishing with, Brew being one of them.

I've learned to score my trips.
1. How many fish did I see?
2. How many did I cast too?
3. How many followed my fly and struck it?
4. How many did I hook and land?

We had a small pod of nice size bass 4 or 5 come up toward the boat, my initial cast blew off their site line. I made a poor attempt to pick up the line for a better cast and never got the fly in front of them. By mid summer I am much more patient and controlled.

Brew did a nice job finding some fish.

Posted: May 19th, '11, 10:24
by TailhookTom

I stick with my statement. A very good friend of mine has been a saltwater flyfishing guide out of Niantic, CT for many years and I truly appreciate what you are saying. However, with the world the way it is, and the new perspective I have since breaking my neck, there is no bad cast!


Posted: May 19th, '11, 10:33
by PeterPalmieri
Your 100% correct. My general opinion is fishing is just a good excuse to be out on the water everything else is a bonus.

Posted: May 19th, '11, 10:57
by Rawleigh
"Fishing with Brew" Reminds me of an old school SNL skit!! LOL! Godspeed on your new venture Brew! I am envious.

Posted: May 19th, '11, 15:32
by Bruce
Fishing with Brew is a long standing Florida tradition.

You going fishin?


Who's got the brew?

Posted: May 19th, '11, 16:57
by randall
peter...theres a bunch of folks out here into it. i see em in the same few spots.

Posted: May 19th, '11, 17:00
by In Memory Walter K
The flats around Cartright Shoals East of Accabonac?

Posted: May 19th, '11, 17:55
by randall
thats one spot for sure. there are some rocks about a half mile east of the lion head -clearwater inlet that seem popular also. and...right in the channel coming into 3 mile and sunset cove. i bet there are plenty more.

Posted: May 25th, '11, 22:23
by Rob C
Damn Brew, That sounds great. You know I am envious of you in more ways than one! Congrats on retiring, franchising and chartering! If I could get a good and profitable escape from these restaurants I would. I will definitely be calling you for a charter when we go to Montauk this year!! I am also going to PEI this year for BFT in early Sept. look forward to seeing you again.

Rob C