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Proud Dad

Posted: Nov 11th, '06, 20:36
by Capt.Frank
Today my home owners association had its annual Rock fishing (striper) tournerment in the sound. My four year old asked if we were going to fish it. The weather normally the weather windy and cold. Today 75' sunny no wind. Its been so warm here NC this fall the rock fishing is nonexistent. Normally fish small and plentiful. This year no fish any where. Well my brother and I took my son out just hoping to catch a fish. Well he started off with a 12" fish. We were just happy to catch something. He finialy caught a keeper. Then I thought he was snagged on a old pound net. No a nice fish for this year 23 3/4" 4.5 lbs. Welll we new it was a good fish just glad he had nice fish to weigth in. I lost a couple of fish and Will comes over to me on the next fish and says Dad slow down this is how I do it. I'll talk you threw it so you don't loose another fish. My brother was laughing so had from the bridge he turn the radio up.
Well he weighed in his fish I weighed in one also. Well I knew he had a award for under 12. Well at the awards the kids award went to a 7 year old with a smaller fish. I was thinking mabe they read the size wrong. The guy next to me said no,that was what the kids fish was. My four year old says dad I didn't win? I don't know what to do then they announce the adult third place and He placed third over all. out of 50 boat don't know how many people. I was so happy.
He looked at his 1 1/2 year old brother and said I won! over and over.
I was so proudImage

Posted: Nov 11th, '06, 20:54
by scooter28
Thats cool thats what fishing and boating is all about.

Posted: Nov 11th, '06, 21:34
by Kingfish
Congrats to the little guy!!

Thats why we do it!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Nov 11th, '06, 22:23
by bob lico
capt frank just the smile on the little one is the best feeling in the world .train him young to be the next steward on the best boat ever made.

Posted: Nov 12th, '06, 00:19
by Tommy
Tha apple doesn't fall far from the father, like son! Congrats to you and your son, Capt. Frank. It couldn't have happened to a nicer dad....keep up the great work.


Posted: Nov 12th, '06, 08:28
by neil
i know that feeling last spring neil jr took first in the kids with a 25 pounder and we also took first overall with a 35 pounder. just to see the look in there eyes when they get the award makes it all worth while