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openning day Dodger game

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 07:04
by Bertramp
Did you guys catch the news story about the LA Dodgers openning day game, in which a fan with a San Francisco Giants shirt was beatten up by two guys in the parking lot, because of his Giants jersey? The guy has a skull fracture .... pretty f^$#ing sad statement about society !!

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 08:18
by randall
it truly sucks but keep it in perspective....a million people went to opening day games. two a-holes out of a million is to be more than expected. i'm surprised it dosen't happen more.

Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 09:04
by IRGuy
Being a sort of "neutral about professional team sports" guy it always amazes me how some fans have developed such an affection for a pro team that they will almost kill someone who wore a shirt supporting another team. Makes me wonder if this is some form of personality disorder that they need to show such emotion about a bunch of overpaid thugs.

But... If a couple of charter fishermen beat up a PETA representative picketing the slip their charter boat is docked in.. well that would be a different story!

Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 10:05
by In Memory Walter K
Radicalism breeds Radical behavior, which seems to be the order of the day.
If you want to get respect, you have to give respect. Something my father taught me in the 1940's. Just as true today as it was back then. Unfortunately, that kind of behavior doesn't get much press, while the other kind makes news. It's the lunatic fringe on either side of every issue that create the problems...and the emotional reactions to them. We have not progressed very far. In fact, we're going backwards in my opinion.

Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 15:17
by Bertramp
Walter....sadly enough, I think you are right.