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Pending EPA action on boating!!

Posted: Apr 4th, '11, 15:07
by Rawleigh
April 4, 2011

Dear BoatU.S. Member,

The U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is developing future clean boating requirements for all recreational boats in the next few months, and they need to hear from you. During April, they are hosting weekly "webinars" to solicit boater input (April 6 - 6 pm, April 14 - 8 pm, April 22 - 10 am, and April 25 - 12 pm; all eastern time). I'm writing to encourage you to participate in one of these online events.

For more information on the webinars and to register in advance (which is required): MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be ... cipate.cfm

A specific list of proposed requirements is not yet available. We do know that sewage will not be discussed or covered - it's part of a different law. EPA is looking at several broad categories of vessel discharges:

Antifouling paints and zincs
Graywater (from showers and sinks)
Bilge water (with concern about oil and grease, which is already illegal to discharge)
Cleaning products/maintenance practices
Disposal of garbage and fishing waste
Transport of invasive species
We need you to help EPA know that any new mandatory "management practices" must be based in science, and should be reasonable, practical, and economical. You should share with EPA the clean boating practices that you already employ, or that can be easily adopted within your boating. For ideas:
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For additional information on this topic from BoatU.S. go to:
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You may also submit questions, comments or concerns directly to CleanBoatingAct-HQ@EPA.GOV before June 2, 2011.

For more info from EPA:
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It is crucial that EPA hear from a variety of boaters on this topic. We hope you can tune into one of these sessions so that EPA can gain your perspective.

Many thanks for being a BoatU.S. Member!

Margaret Podlich
Vice President, BoatU.S. Government Affairs
703-461-2878 x8363
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© 2011 Boat Owners Association of The United States
880 S. Pickett St.
Alexandria, VA 22304

Posted: Apr 4th, '11, 17:01
by Carl
Nothing good can come from the EPA "Getting Involved".

Posted: Apr 4th, '11, 17:23
by In Memory Walter K
In the words of Ronald Reagan, the 10 scariest words in the world- "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".

Posted: Apr 4th, '11, 21:18
by Tony Meola
walterk wrote:In the words of Ronald Reagan, the 10 scariest words in the world- "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".
Don't forget "I am from the IRS and I am your friend".

Posted: Apr 4th, '11, 22:59
by Harry Babb
Tony wrote:Don't forget "I am from the IRS and I am your friend".

They must all take Greeting lessons from the same place.....

"Hi, my friend, I'm here representing OSHA and want to help you"

I think one of my nerves got stepped upon! ! !


Posted: Apr 5th, '11, 09:39
by Whaler1777
well it might be time to stock up on zincs

Posted: Apr 5th, '11, 20:44
by Tony Meola
Whaler1777 wrote:well it might be time to stock up on zincs
If they ban lead sinkers I have enough lead to make more than enough sinkers. I would be long dead before I run out of lead sinkers.

Posted: Apr 5th, '11, 21:16
by In Memory Walter K
They never learned from the failure of Prohibition. Now the lead and zinc police?