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Call me crazy.....but I would love to do this

Posted: Apr 1st, '11, 22:11
by Harry Babb

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 00:26
by IRGuy
Yes Harry... You are definitely crazy!

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 08:07
by randall
just big pussy cats. probably not a good idea with makos, bulls or whites.

the irony is there was something very calming and soothing about the video.

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 08:26
by Mikey
Might have been partly the music. My favorite Mexican piece. Malagueña Salerosa is the story of a poor Mexican telling a girl from Malagueña, Spain that he would like her to be his woman but he understands her rejection because of his economic condition.
But I digress. Harry, I'm with you, but only in my dreams, not sure I have the cajones.

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 09:41
by IRGuy

I have had to make some pretty important decisions in my life, and probably will have to make a few more... But I can assure you one of them will not be which kind of sharks I will be swimming with and hand feeding!

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 10:34
by Dug
I just returned from Bora Bora, and we swam with sharks while there. They were lemon sharks and black tip reef sharks. It was pretty cool. We did not hand feed, though we did feed. It was amazingly calm and relaxing. They were absolutely beautiful to watch in the water.

Now, mako or great white, might be another story...

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 10:35
by Dug
After the sharks we swam with and fed stingrays. That actually was a lot more scary. One actually bit my father, though it was not a major... I just kept thinking Steve Irwin, Steve Irwin...

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 15:16
by Ironman
Looks like that shark is discharging .. something at 3:02.. Is that legal??

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 16:28
by Charlie J
hell harry you took more of a risk at greenport with the bertram juice

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 17:06
by Carl
I have seen a person flip on a dime, don't need to see what a wild animal with big, sharp teeth can do if it should have a bad moment and flip.

To's tempting fate.

But it would be cool....

Posted: Apr 2nd, '11, 21:25
by Harry Babb
I dove a shark dive from Nassua Scuba Center in the Bahamas. Actually paid a hundred dollars to do it.

Our dive group observed while a trained diver fed the Reef Sharks. Not threatening at all....but I understand that the Reef Sharks are not very agressive.

While diving and before the feeding, I noticed a shark swimming in my direction. Just as we had been taught I turned and swam directly toward the shark. Immediately the shark turned and went the other way.

Now I have to say.....I don't have the CAHOONAS to try this with a Bull or Great White.

Never dove with a Dolphin.....but think that would be really cool also.

As a young lad Flipper was my ULTIMATE HERO.


Posted: Apr 3rd, '11, 21:05
by Tony Meola
Keep thinking Sigfried and Roy. They thought that Cat was trained and safe. Key word here is trained.

Not doing that with any shark.