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Thanks for the compliments

Posted: Mar 23rd, '11, 15:17
by Gert van Leest
Hi guys thank youfor the kind words !
The coulor of the boat is AWL Grip Light grey and the rest is Matterhorn white.
Brew , my place is located at a lake district and here we fish for pike (throll) walleye ,and at night for the big slimy catfish.
In a month or so I will bring her to Scheveningen and then we go out for Cod , Skate , Conger eel , and the best Atlantic Halibut.
Took the boys ( 2 of the 3 ) out fising last sunday an as you can see there was not much action , they seem to have a great time with the tacle box.
I took some pics in the sun , and now she does't look like a battle ship anymore !!all the best every body!!


Posted: Mar 23rd, '11, 15:29
by CaptPatrick
Gert van Leest wrote:i did something wrong ( again ) you have to scroll to the right
Just make sure that there's only one image per line...

Posted: Mar 23rd, '11, 15:31
by mike ohlstein
I fixed it....

Posted: Mar 23rd, '11, 15:33
by CaptPatrick
LOL, we both did.... Mine without an extra space, your with. GMTA

Posted: Mar 23rd, '11, 19:22
by Tony Meola

I really like the color of the hull. It is different. Not white, not blue, but a nice shade of grey.

Looks like the kids are enjoying it. Good luck, enjoy her.

Posted: Mar 23rd, '11, 23:06
by Fisherdude
Beautiful vessel. Love the color scheme.

Posted: Mar 24th, '11, 07:11
by Bertramp
Looks like you're a good captain and a good Dad !!
.....a double thumbs up !!