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Lady Luck, Again

Posted: Mar 18th, '11, 20:06
by Brewster Minton
Cousins wife does not want to go on this trip either. I leave the 27- to the 2nd. Man am I lucky this year.

Posted: Mar 18th, '11, 21:02
by John F.
Looks fantastic. Enjoy.

Posted: Mar 18th, '11, 22:03
by Brewster Minton
I am so lucky. After cancer and 2 1/2 years of a divorce, I have had a tough time. But you guys have helped me through the most. The feeling of being part of something bigger. Thank you all.

Posted: Mar 18th, '11, 22:29
by In Memory Walter K
Works two ways Brewster. You've made us feel you're always there for us, too.

Posted: Mar 18th, '11, 22:50
by Brewster Minton
Walter, and all, Thank you. This is a special place.

Posted: Mar 18th, '11, 23:03
by Harv

You are Da Man.
I can't think of anyone that deserves this more than you do!!
Catch em up, and enjoy!!

Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 00:27
by randall
you are part of something important part!!

Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 05:54
by bob lico
you are the man. just a terrific, good hearted person.

Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 07:43
by Harry Babb
Here's to ya Brew...Cheers! !

Although I only see ya once a year, ole buddy, thru this Cyberspace thing we stay in touch year round....

Your tough, you've proven that.....

I am honored to be your friend....folks like you make us all stonger and make the world a better place to live

Smooth seas to ya my friend.....see ya in August! ! !


Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 09:35
by Carl
I just gotta meet your cousin and introduce his wife to mine.

No way my wife would miss a fishing trip like that...

Just Awesome Brewster!! I just have to believe what goes around comes around and it's your time to rake in some Good Times!!

Have a Blast and eat a Conch Fritter for me...PS please wash it down with a Cold Beer of your choice...thanks.

Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 12:54
by Capt Dick Dean
Hey, There are those that do and those that can't and those that wish. All the BRETRAM BROS know where you are. Your one of a kind and belong to all of us.

Jeez, I'm gonna' cry!

Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 18:25
by Bob H.
Brew, Thats what Bertram Brothers are have decades of fishing and Bertram experience many can only dream of...every time Ive asked for your help you were right there...the best part of this site is how guys lend a hand and help each other when in matter what..Capt Pat set the example...we all follow suit...BH

Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 19:19
by TailhookTom
Okay, who besides me thinks that the cousin's wife is bumping boots with the poolboy? JK, Brew, did you buy a megamillions ticket yet?

Posted: Mar 19th, '11, 19:52
by Brewster Minton
You guys are the best. I hope she keeps doing the poolboy. It workes for me. It's Capt. Pat that has done all this for me, and all of you guys. Thank you all for everything. This is some sandbox.

Posted: Mar 20th, '11, 05:42
by PeterPalmieri
Two trips of a lifetime in the span of a few months. I can only hope that one of my fishing buddies wives starts doing the pool boy too.

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 18:43
by Brewster Minton
If you want to go to the best place to catch bonefish on fly this is it. 5 stars, first class op. best fish I got was 13#. Guides, food, fishing all the best there is. Sightcasted 15 to 25 fish a day.

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 19:18
by IRGuy

I will never forget when I posted a request here about two years ago about a friend who was delivering a boat to Long Island Sound and needed some local knowledge on how to negotiate a particular inlet (Shinnecock maybe?). You volunteered to meet him on the water and guide him through.. a guy I have never met in person volunteering to help one of my friends by going way out of your way! How unique is that?

In my book, as well (obviously) as in the "books" of many others here.. You are one of the best of the best! Be assured.. what goes around comes around! Maybe one day YOU will be a pool boy!

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 19:25
by Brewster Minton
Thank you Sir.

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 20:01
by TailhookTom
I'm very happy for you Brew -- couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy!

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 20:38
by In Memory Walter K
Brew- After the past few years you were due. Glad it was great.

Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 20:53
by Harry Babb
Really glad you had a good time it feels good.....those are the memories that we should bask in every day.

Good for you


Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 05:46
by PeterPalmieri
Forget all this mushy crap for a second.

Landing 15 to 25 bonefish to 13# a day that is insane. That is some REALLY good fishing. Is this your cousin? Whoever it is he knows how to pick his trips. Do these guides see a lot of good fly fisherman generally or just rich guys who saw a river runs through it? I'm curious if they went the extra mile because you could really fish.

Seriously Brew you deserve like 10 fish a day to 8 or 9 pounds. it's not like you've got a year to live or have multiple missing limbs. Save some for the rest of us here!

Seriously, good job.