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Off Topic but impressive..

Posted: Feb 20th, '11, 18:08
by tunawish
Just received this.. Not my thing but the skill, balance and strength required is something I think, any one can respect and appreciate...

give it at least 60 seconds

Posted: Feb 21st, '11, 01:25
by jackryan
Very cool.

That guy is nuts. An orthopedic surgeons dream.


Posted: Feb 21st, '11, 07:26
by John F.

Posted: Feb 21st, '11, 07:39
by Carl
As you said, not my thing..but incredible skills. Really enjoyed watching.

Posted: Feb 21st, '11, 09:20
by Rawleigh
Makes my nuts hurt just watching it!!

Posted: Feb 21st, '11, 09:56
by Charlie J

Posted: Feb 21st, '11, 11:13
by mike ohlstein
Trials riding has been a huge motorcycle sport for many years, and is just making its way into bicycles.

For sheer lunacy, check out the Crusty Deamons...

Posted: Feb 21st, '11, 17:17
by Bruce
I thought crusty demons was something you got a from being with a woman of questionable virtue.

Posted: Feb 22nd, '11, 15:51
by chris pague
I need to go find a soft pillow to sit on. Rawleigh you are soooo on the mark.
This guy has skill I could not dream of.
I will now go to my room


Posted: Feb 22nd, '11, 19:32
by Bob H.
Now do that with a 31 bertram...who's game? Bet Brewster or Bob Lico could make their ride talk...BH

Posted: Feb 23rd, '11, 08:32
by Bertramp
unbelieveable ....
for some reason I just see my old fatt arse sprawled all over the pavement !!

Posted: Feb 23rd, '11, 15:48
by Dug
Notice how low his seat is set! this allows him to use his whole body as a shock absorber. And he has disc brakes, front and back.

I have a cannondale trials bike that can be used for this type of thing, but heck no I cannot do that! Nor have I ever even come close...


Posted: Feb 23rd, '11, 16:11
by CaptPatrick
Beyond his obvious "talent", what I see is a kid that has put umpteen hundred hours, days, weeks, and probably years to reach that point of expertise.

Now, just what the hell does he do to be a productive and viable member of society? He obviously, (to me), doesn't have much time left over to put in an 8 hr work day... I smell an entitlement baby or a rich kid with no useful ambition.

I guess it's better than tagging back alley walls.

Posted: Feb 23rd, '11, 16:25
by In Memory Walter K
Bet his parents couldn't get him to do his homework. Also bet he has all kinds of pinched nerve and joint problems by the time he hits 40. Boy, was that fun!

Posted: Feb 23rd, '11, 16:54
by captbone
Next week the kid will be impailed on the fence and sue the property owner for $2.7 million for having unsafe fence and a sign that provoked his stunt.

Posted: Feb 23rd, '11, 21:35
by scenarioL113
Got to give the kid credit. He is a master of that bicycle!

Posted: Feb 23rd, '11, 23:23
by bob lico
can somebody scan page 55 of this months issue of sport fishing . article called fishing gone wild.and post it here .
btw. if that was my kid i smack in the head ." you are the last segment of the population to carry the tourch" . "the chinese are buying up the mineral rights in montana,dakota`s , and texas " it up to your crowd to bring back america! trying getting a trade going or at least crack open those books i am paying for!

Posted: Feb 24th, '11, 08:53
by Dug
He is scottish or irish... Not american. Those shots were all in europe somewhere. Architecture is clearly not United States!

Posted: Feb 24th, '11, 17:46
by Carl
Good eye Dug! Scotland, Edinburgh is what the caption states.

Could travel the circuits and make a living...or one day put the bike away and dive into something else with as much conviction.

As Capt Pat said the amount of practice to hone skills to that level is awe inspiring. Seems kind of a shame to waste it balancing a bike on a fence, but what the hell do I know...then again maybe it's a new art form...someone plays an instrument extraordinarily...does one say what a waste of talent had they learned a real trade...back to, what the hell do I know.

Posted: Feb 25th, '11, 22:09
by In Memory Walter K
Another one...wonder how many bruises this kid has been treated for... ... re=related