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Y'all stay warm

Posted: Feb 1st, '11, 19:46
by In Memory of Vicroy
Big nasty storm coming guys...even down here on the gulf coast its supposed to sleet, snow, & freezing rain Thursday & Friday. No one is prepard for it and it will be a cluster.

On the other hand, me & the Bride are flying to Miami tomorrow for a week. Its supposed to be 84 when we get there and warm all week. Gee, I'm sorry we gonna miss all the ice.

We rent an apt. on Miami Beach. My cell is 225 937 1319 if any of the Faithful are around and want to get together & rap about stuff.


Posted: Feb 3rd, '11, 07:27
by CaptPatrick

Be real glad you and your bride are in warmer Miami...

It's been colder here on my piece of dirt than in New York for almost a week. No relief in sight before Saturday, and then only that it'll be above freezing for the highs.

Temps here have been as low as 18 and only as high as 30 since 6am Tuesday. Got a 1/4" of ice on my 1,300 gal pond...


Yo' (freezin' his butt off) Fren'


Posted: Feb 3rd, '11, 07:34
by Bruce
Your gonna have to add a heater to that water fall to keep it from freezing :)

Just keep repeating yourself, I no longer have to worry about hurricanes.

If it gets too cold, pack up the dogs and head to my house. Theres always a room open for ya.

Posted: Feb 4th, '11, 18:07
by CaptPatrick
100 sq ft worth... Global Warming in Action


Posted: Feb 4th, '11, 18:17
by randall
actually it might be...greenland is melting....all that moisture has to go somewhere. dosent mean its not just a natural cycle it also dosen't mean it will be warmer in winter. just more extreme. dallas on super bowl week. ha ha.

Posted: Feb 4th, '11, 18:29
by CaptPatrick
Only moisture around here this week was either in my pond or out of my well... No snow fall or sleet, just nearly 4 straight days of below 30 degrees...

37 right now, supposed to be mid 50s tomorrow.

Posted: Feb 4th, '11, 19:11
by randall
most would say you are lucky. it could snow every other day as far as i'm concerned.

i was listening to sports radio from dallas.....frozen icy sidewalks. at least the green bay and pittsburgh fans will feel at home.

Posted: Feb 4th, '11, 21:04
by AndreF
Speaking of the Super Bowl:

Every Red Blooded American should jump in line to support the Green Bay
Packers! The Packers defeated the Chicago Bears on that Sunday afternoon thus
earning them the opportunity to go to the Super Bowl. By doing so, they
saved the Hard-Working, Red Blooded, Taxpaying Americans literally several
million dollars of tax money. How you say? Simple... we were told that if
the Chicago Bears had won that President Obama (and probably his
family)would be attending the Super Bowl to cheer on his hometown team.
Since the Bears lost...the President won't be attending. The money saved
from not using Air Force 1, the limosines, all the additional security, and
let's not forget Michelle Obama's entourage, is literally several million
dollars! Therefore every American should cheer on the Green Bay Packers at the Super Bowl to show them our gratitude.

Posted: Feb 5th, '11, 01:24
by randall
well andre'.....on the other hand the packers are the most socialist team in the NFL. i mean...who owns the packers? not the rooneys or the jonses or the lerners or the johnsons or maras. nooooooo. the people of green bay own the packers.....a slap in the face of capitalistic America and socialism no matter how you look at it. they should be banned from the league.

Posted: Feb 5th, '11, 10:23
by AndreF
Actually, precisely the opposite, randall. We call the owners "stockholders" as we call the owners of Exxon, Shell, GE, Textron and many other corporations "stockholders", too. Socialist ownership would be what BHO wants, the government ownership of everything, no individual ownership of anything, no what we call "stockholders" (private owners who buy in with their own private money they earn).

BTW- in our paper this AM, to celebrate R Reagan's life, there was a "time-line" of his entire life starting with his birth in Tampico,Ill(1911), thru his high school days , Eureka college, military service, Hollywood career, twice Gov of CA, etc, etc,etc....every detail.

Now picture BHO "life timeline"...............................all unknown, no records, no witnesses, no nothing..........
Sad. Very sad.

Posted: Feb 5th, '11, 13:20
by randall
andre' obviously i was joking..

.but the "stockholders" of the packers dont share in the profits. the team is a "non profit corp" so there are NO dividends.

as to reagan...i voted for him, liked him and totally bought into the "shining city on the hill".(still do). a good friend of mine lived in a cabin right on the boarder of his ranch. i used to go up there and stay with her and surf a spot near there. i always hoped for that chance encounter but it never happened. my friend and i even tromped around in the woods a few times just on the odd chance.

Posted: Feb 5th, '11, 19:52
by AndreF
UV is in Miami, the news just said it was 85 degrees there.

Posted: Feb 10th, '11, 18:07
by In Memory of Vicroy
got back last night to freezing drizzle. Yep, it was in the low 80s and sunny for a week on Miami Beach. Very nice place to spend a week.