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Here's a twist

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 18:33
by JP Dalik
Who would've thought I'd have to travel to Madison WI to get warmer weather than back home. It's like a heat wave here with 26 degrees showing on the car thermometer. You guys enjoy your snow storm back east, I'm hiding out this week in the uber warm mid west.

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 18:47
by CaptPatrick
Ya' want warmer? Winter is over down here, sunny and low 60's pretty much from now through end of Feb... Coldest day since mid Dec was around 30 with a low of 19.

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 20:40
by Bob H.
High of 12 today...both woodstoves crankin house is at 68...talkin another foot of snow wed...this is one tough winter..JP bring home some of that warm weather...BH

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 21:48
by Tony Meola

The escape will be short lived for you. Just read an article that we are going to see colder winters over the next few years. Supposed to be 39 tomorrow and 37 on Wednesday.

Thank god for bubble systems

Just another cycle of mother nature.

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 22:12
by In Memory Walter K
Global cooling?

Posted: Jan 25th, '11, 10:12
by randall
actually its a typical pattern. la nina' brings more moisture in from the pacific. you get a large early snow and a self fulfilling prophecy kicks in. more cold weather and more snow. one feeds the other. unlike most it seems......i like it. but just for winter.

Posted: Jan 25th, '11, 11:01
by Rawleigh
Supposed to be 50 here in Virginia today! What a difference from the last few weeks!

Posted: Jan 25th, '11, 12:27
by SteveM
76 here with a low of 70 tonight

Posted: Jan 25th, '11, 13:49
by randall
its downright balmy here today compared to yesterday. i think its above freezing.

Posted: Jan 25th, '11, 14:04
by Dug
Yes, Randall, snow in the summer would be rather unfortunate!

And it is a whopping 34 degrees today! Quite nice, now that the fuel in the truck is thawed!

Posted: Jan 25th, '11, 14:22
by Bruce

Spent the day in the shop making a new electric panel for a local 31 incorporating the stereo and Ipod adapter into the same panel. Looks sweet.

Unfortunatly that panel might fall off a bridge if the Florida weather is printed again to the freezing yankees.

Posted: Jan 25th, '11, 15:56
by randall
its the same thing every me on some august night when its 70 here with a nice ocean breeze. going for a walk on the beach....i dont expect to see anyone or anything....cept maybe some gulls and deer tracks.

Posted: Jan 26th, '11, 20:20
by gplume
"I pick snow up....and put it down" (Just think th eplanet fitness commercial)

Posted: Jan 26th, '11, 21:13
by PeterPalmieri
Hey JP I've been to Madison about 30 different times. Go to nadias for dinner it is on the second floor on state street. Closer to campus then the capital. My favorite restaurant by a long stretch.