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My Bookie say Peckers in da Super Bowl

Posted: Jan 23rd, '11, 18:19
by In Memory of Vicroy
Hmmmmm, half way home. Go Jets!


Posted: Jan 23rd, '11, 18:29
by Captn Bruce
One more and done!

Go Pack go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce D.

Posted: Jan 23rd, '11, 20:01
by randall
not lookin too good here.

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 10:21
by MarkS
Bummer I was really hoping for a Jets win.

On a humorous note I heard Brett Favre was so pissed about the Packer victory and return to the Super Bowl without him that he went to throw his remote through the TV but it was intercepted.

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 11:25
by Dug
Mark, that was good! I'm going to use that. If you don't mind!

It was almost as good as the video going around of Mark Sanchez picking his nose and wiping it on his team mate...on live tv. Yikes!

Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 15:52
by MarkS
Feel free Dug. You won't be infringing on any patent!


Posted: Jan 24th, '11, 15:58
by JP Dalik
It was almost as good as the video going around of Mark Sanchez picking his nose and wiping it on his team mate...

Code: Select all

Would that make it a "Dirty Sanchez"..........................?