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CG Renewal

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 18:49
by Ripsangler
Anyone renewed lately. I just received a letter from the Coast Guard informing me that I have to take an open book test for $45. This is news to me.

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 18:59
by Brewster Minton
Over the next two years they are going to make it much harder to keep your captians lic. New CPR and more drug tests at 90$ per. Open book tests and more. Homeland wants less people with lic.

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 19:24
by In Memory Walter K
Fortunately I had to renew early last year only to find out I had to travel 120 miles to NYC to be photographed and fingerprinted (this was my 8th renewal). After renewal I was told I needed a $132.50 TWIC card from Homeland Security, for which I had to be photographed and fingerprinted again on the same day, in an office manned by non-Homeland Security personnel that was less than 500 yards away. Then, to add insult to injury, I was told I had to come back to NYC to pick up the card after my security check. That turned out to be 6 weeks later. When I asked for a receipt for the fee I was forced to pay,
one was printed out for me...from Lockheed Martin! When this 5-year license is over, that's it. No more. Given I have been fingerprinted years ago for my pistol carry permit FBI clearance, so much for our various governmental agencies ability to talk to each other. Sort of makes gun purchase 24 hour checks a me at least.

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 19:48
by captbone
I am currently going through the process of renewing (3rd time) for my 100 ton ticket. All said and done (after drug, physical, fees) I will be out $500.

I toyed with the idea of getting a continuation only license. No physical, no drug, nothing. You can't use the license but it keeps it going for another 5 years just incase I want to use it again at a later time.

What ever you do Walter dont let it expire get that continuation purpose only license. Its real cheap and only one form.

This is right from the website.

6.What is a Continuity Renewal?
This option allows you to renew your credential without meeting any of the renewal requirements, except for completing an application. If you choose to renew a credential for continuity purposes only, then you can NOT work under the authority of that credential. If your credential has expired beyond the one year grace period, then you are ineligible for the continuity renewal option.

CG Renewal

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 19:59
by Ripsangler
I wish I'd known about the continuation before I started the renewal. That sounds like the way to go.

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 20:38
by bob lico
capt bone thanks for the info . i really have to think about (renewal) since i really don`t need it anymore.the twic part is just unnessary bull that i grit my teeth as i handed over the loot.

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 21:58
by In Memory Walter K
Capt bone- In all the 35+ years I've had/renewed my license, this is the first time I have ever even heard of the existence of a Continuity Renewal! Many thanks for bringing it to our attention. Getting my renewal, my TWIC card, my two $100+round trips to NYCity cost me well over $500 and gave me the privilege of paying an additional $250 for the Permit that allows us to keep 2 striped bass per person, and a $400 NY State Fishing license fee that covers anyone fishing from my boat, but not me or my family if we fish off our smaller boat. Help the small businessman my ass! Beaurocracy at it's best. None of this has a damned thing to do with boating safety, public safety, national security, conservation or improving our marine environment. It's just additional income for the State and Federal general budgets from an "easy" source. I am now beginning to understand the reason for, and the value of lobbyists. Keep quiet and they'll come back for more. And they were surprised at the growth and popularity of the Tea Party?

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 22:09
by captbone
I am with you Bob. They have made re-obtaining your license so difficult and expensive that it makes you question if its worth it.

Having said that, I would never let my license completely go as it is so difficult to reobtain and getting back up in tonnage is so difficult. The great part about the continuation license is that you just need to fill out the paper work that you would have had to just to renew it anyway so its no big loss.

I know that if I let my license lapse, the very next day I would get an offer to run a brothel boat or hedinism boat. Isnt that always the way. :-D

Posted: Jan 14th, '11, 22:18
by captbone
I hear you Walter. The DEC stopped enforcing the fishing licenses last year because of law suits against the state.

I also have my pistol permit and I thank god we are in Suffolk County. The renewal fee for Nassau County is $295 every 5 years.

This is even what is says right on their website.

Pistol Licenses will be processed as quickly as possible. Present waiting time is 6 months.
We will send you notice as soon as your license is ready.
PLEASE DO NOT CALL ... cation.htm

What a croc of &%^$.

Posted: Jan 15th, '11, 08:39
by Carl
captbone wrote:I hear you Walter. The DEC stopped enforcing the fishing licenses last year because of law suits against the state.

I also have my pistol permit and I thank god we are in Suffolk County. The renewal fee for Nassau County is $295 every 5 years.

This is even what is says right on their website.

Pistol Licenses will be processed as quickly as possible. Present waiting time is 6 months.
We will send you notice as soon as your license is ready.
PLEASE DO NOT CALL ... cation.htm

What a croc of &%^$.

Now if that don't want to make you call ...nothing will.

If you want Rights, Privileged, Free Health Care and Not Have to PAY TAXES...become an Illegal Alien.

Posted: Jan 15th, '11, 10:23
by AndreF
This is one depressing thread......................baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa after spending alot of time lately learning the negatives of ObamaCare.....baaaaaaaaa

Posted: Jan 15th, '11, 12:23
by Harv
Got my continuance last year. That too was after going to Battery Park twice for my TWIC.

Posted: Jan 15th, '11, 18:00
by Bruce
I feel much safer the government has got this rouge captains license thing under control.

Posted: Jan 16th, '11, 08:40
by Wingnut
Had to jump in....

And to add insult to injury.... we pay for all of this! Want to reduce the debt? Dump this nonsense!

Its amazing that this bureaucracy constantly grows as we sink deeper and deeper into financial crisis.

Debt to GDP? Not really a big deal but, all those guys out fishing are a serious threat to national security.

OK, rant mode off. I'll try to be a bit more on topic as the Bert comes out of hibernation in a month. Come on spring!


CG renewal

Posted: Jan 16th, '11, 09:20
by Bill Mckinnon
Getting ready to start the process here to. I will let you guys know how it goes. Already have the TWIC card. Only thing good about it is the CG has a base here that does the renewals. Last time I did it they did the photo fingerprint thing. Government just making it tough on us

Captain Bill McKinnon
Charleston SC

Posted: Jan 16th, '11, 16:50
by Bruce
Government just making it tough on us
Its for our protection though. Wouldn't want some boat captain bringing in a load of diaper heads.

After all when they go looking for a ride into port, the diaper heads are gonna insist on hiring a professional captain and will check his credentials after all.

Just like more laws prevent crimminals from commiting ........crime, right?

Posted: Jan 16th, '11, 17:41
by In Memory Walter K
Like the Cole was hit by a licensed Charterboat captain and his boat. I could more understand checking out Donzi's, Cigarettes and Fountains than us.


Posted: Jan 21st, '11, 22:05
by Rumrunner
I let my Captain license expire a few years ago. I saw no use for it if you are not doing 6 pack charter. It was hard to get as we all know but I never ever want to charter my boat. When I go fishing, all on board are my guests and are people I want to be with, no drunks that throw up in the sink and want fish like its going to the fish market.

Capt Tom

PS Still have my license hanging in the salon of the Rumrunner

Posted: Jan 21st, '11, 22:41
by In Memory Walter K
Anyone notice that the language on the certificate has changed? We are now U.S. Merchant Marine Officers. Any chance we're entitled to a Pension after 25 years of service?

Posted: Jan 22nd, '11, 11:44
by ed c.
Rumrunner, I did the exact same thing. Now I really enjoy fishing.

Posted: Jan 22nd, '11, 16:57
by Ed Curry
Same here. I didn't like the zero tolerance for alcohol.

License Renewal

Posted: Apr 3rd, '11, 14:10
by Tunahead
I remember reading about a doctor (s) on here that made the process easier. Does anyone know their names, #'s, etc.

Posted: Apr 3rd, '11, 14:39
by Capt Dick Dean
Talking about the twic card. A couple of months ago, while entering the Brookhaven Town Hall on Long Island, took out my Veteran Administration card.
He said, "no good".
I said, "I guess you don't have one of these".
Then I took out my twic card. Again no good.
So I had to say, " Ya' know, you couldn't get one of these. This is Homeland Security. I can go thru any airport unchallenged".
Then a sargant came over and asked if I had a drivers lic.
I said," No, the DMV took it last month."
" Let him thru."

Posted: Apr 3rd, '11, 14:41
by Capt Dick Dean
I made that story up!