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And a Happy New Year

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 08:44
by Harry Babb
To all of my friends here I extend a New Year wish of Health and Happiness.

Harry Babb

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 09:21
by Carl
Happy New Years to All!

It's been a long, long interesting year...


Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 10:23
by Brewster Minton
Happy New Year to everyone. Be safe.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 10:56
by Russ Pagels
Happy new year to one and all, and may next year be better than this one,Russ

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 14:09
by chris pague
To all in the Sand Box. Have a very happy Frantic First and may the year blow all the winds the the right direction.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 14:17
by Charlie J
happy new year everyone

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 14:25
by TailhookTom
Happy New Year everyone, and thanks, Capt. Patrick, for once again bringing us together and keeping us together!

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 17:34
by IRGuy
Here is to a Happy New Year to one and all here.. and a special thanks to Capt Pat.. for being the glue that holds this forum together in spite of the spammers and other hassles he has to put up with!

Lets hope 2011 is a better year than 2010 was.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 20:56
by Bob H.
Happy new year to all you guys...heres hoping that a couple of "newly restored" 31s float this year...right Harry Babb...Thanks again Capt. Pat..BH

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 21:16
by JP Dalik
Happy New Year, I can drink to that- Cheers to all and enjoy 2011. Remember only 1 year left before the Earth explodes, gotta party like its 1999.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 21:47
by In Memory Walter K
Happy New Year to all of you. You made 2010 easier to bear. All the best!

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 21:53
by Tony Meola
Happy New Year to all.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 21:57
by Capt. DQ
Happy New Year to all. Be Safe.

JP, You have been watching to much TV my friend, but I will drink a Cruzan & Coke with ya, for the new fishing season.


Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 22:53
by Harry Babb
Bob Higgins wrote:heres hoping that a couple of "newly restored" 31s float this year...right Harry Babb
I sure am counting on it.......finished machined both shafts this week.....mostly glass and sanding and painting work to do on the bottom and the deck.

Wanna take my buddy Bob for a ride around the Gulf Coast in August! ! !


Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 07:46
by In Memory of Vicroy
Hey Faithful, happy new year to all.....DQ, I got some of the Panamanian Abuelo anejo 12 year old rum and its almost too good to drink, especially at 30 bucks a pop....the 7 year is 22, the 4 is 16....being the cheap bastard I is, maybe mix 'em up?

We gonna head for the camp this morning & do a party over there with a garlic stuffed pork shorts & t shirts, its 80 degrees. Y'all quit bashing Algore, he know his woo-woo.


Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 10:19
by Rocky
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you Capt Pat for this awesome place to converse with friends, and thanks to everyone for all your help and advice throughout the year.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 10:20
by Rocky
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you Capt Pat for this awesome place to converse with friends, and thanks to everyone for all your help and advice throughout the year.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 10:45
by RAWicklund
Happy New Year and fair seas to one and all.

UV, I hope ya got a big umbrella for your BBQ pit... looks like a big soaker is coming this evening..... Good thing about it, is that it postpones the firework show till tomorrow night and I can wait till tomorrow to buy the bottle rockets and mortors at close out prices.

I did a little celebrating of my Scandinavian heritage last night with some Lutefisk washed down with Akvavit........

I would compare it to eating spoiled hoghead cheese with a horse liniment chaser......

I've never been so dissappointed in my Norveigan ancestors ;->>
I hate the French..... but gawd can they cook!!

Looking forward to a great lots of procrastination in the plans.


Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 11:28
by Walt
Happy New Year from Sweden to all 31 wizards, especially Capt Pat !

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 12:25
by Ed Curry
Just want to add my New Year wishes to everyone here.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 12:44
by Bertramp
A Happy and Healthy to all !!

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 14:45
by Harv
Happy New Year and God belss all of us for the friendships we have made!!

Posted: Jan 1st, '11, 18:35
by CaptPatrick
Thanks for the Thanks, Guys, and to all, A Happy and Prosperous New Year !

post subject

Posted: Jan 1st, '11, 19:58
by Mike Moran
we have a special happy new year on dec. 10 my wife had a heart attack I was home thank god gave her three baby asprin got her to the yale new haven clinic 4 miles away hit 70 mph. they were great had her in the hospital in 25 min. on 13 of dec. they did four bypass's came home the 18th. she is doing well. thank GOD she had been in good health before this happened. make sure you get stress test. happy new year all ,thanks Capt. Pat for the site

Posted: Jan 1st, '11, 20:06
by Harry Babb
Really glad your wife is recovering and doing very well, Mike. I'm sure it scared you guys a lot.

That is surely a reason to be happy.


Posted: Jan 1st, '11, 20:06
by Brewster Minton
Mike so glad it worked out.

Posted: Jan 1st, '11, 20:26
by In Memory Walter K
Mike- Although I am sure your family wishes it never happened, It's one helluva way to start the new year! The successful surgery gives her a bunch more new years celebrations instead of a ticking time bomb! Our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Everyone can bitch about American Healthcare, but the medical miracle workers are all here! Walter

Posted: Jan 1st, '11, 21:36
by billyo
Happy New Year to everyone.

Posted: Jan 2nd, '11, 14:33
by Carl
Mike Glad it all worked out. Gotta look at the silver lining and be thankful!!

Mom had as Stroke on the 21st, thank god not a severe one. I'm very thankful my sisters kids, who mom was watching at the time were smart enough not to panic, called my wife, who just happened to be home and called 911. She got excellent immediate attention.

We finally got around to celebrating the Holidays yesterday...tough couple of days...but on the bright side, it looks as it served as a good warning giving her time to change some bad habits before its too late. It also helps to bring life into perspective.

Once again, Happy New Years to All.


Posted: Jan 3rd, '11, 11:18
by Rawleigh
A belated Happy New Year to all!! Thank goodness the snow is melting!!