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UV Ribs

Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 18:15
by Brewster Minton
Ok UV tell me how to cook pork ribs your way on grill.

Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 22:20
by In Memory of Vicroy
Okay Brew.....rub them with sea salt and put them on the indirect end of the grill, uncovered, meat side up. Close the lid on the grill and keep the heat about 225 degrees. Use a small firebox on the hot end of the grill with some hickory chips for smoke, change the chips now and then.

The Sauce.......ahhhhhhh, the sauce....been in my family since before The War of Northern Agression......

Take a saucepan and melt three sticks of original Parkay and add some olive oil to the melted Parkay, say the equivalent of a couple more sticks. Add the juice of at least 4 lemons, then slice up fine the peel of two or three of the lemons and add to the pot and simmer. Add two tablespoons of sea salt and two tablespoons of soy suace, then press in a lot of fresh garlic, say a whole head, continue to simmer - the trick is to cook down the lemon peel to a mush. If it looks too thick, add some more olive oil, if too thin, add some more chopped lemon peel - a food processor will chop the woo-woo outta the peel, but its better thinly sliced and hand diced. Keep slowly cooking down the sauce as you use it, adding a little olive oil if you start to run low.

Let the ribs cook an hour or so unbasted to let the sea salt make a rind, then baste the ribs frequently with the sauce as they cook. Cook them for 8 or 10 hours......after about 6 hours turn them meat side down and baste the bone side, let them cook that way for an hour, then flip 'em back over, continue to baste to keep them from drying out. They are getting toward done when the bones start to stick out. As long as you keep them basted real good they are hard to overcook.

Buy ribs with a lot of fat on them - grocery stores in the ghetto have the best. Stay away from "lean" or "heart healthy" shit. We cookin' ribs here, not dieting.


Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 09:54
by Brewster Minton
Thank you very much. I will buy everthing today and cook for new years.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 10:17
by Rocky
Wow UV that sounds like a great one. Boats, mechanics, food, what a great place! Think I'll try that one on my brick grill, thank you too!

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 12:06
by Bertramp
that sounds so good I can smell it !!

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 21:30
by Bob H.
Uncle Vic....thats sounds tasty...bout a pound of parkay?? My artieries are closing as we speak...BH

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 12:02
by Brewster Minton
Cooked for 3 hours now. Only 6 more to go. The house smells awsome.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 13:47
by randall
i'll be over later...

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 14:05
by Brewster Minton
You should smell the house. I cant wait but I have to. Just call me.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 16:02
by randall
i'm tempted.....but not a good night to drive from here to there. party around the corner and then the talkhouse.

ENJOY!! and happy new year!!

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 18:03
by Bertramp
Randall ... who's at the Talkhouse tonight ?
if it's Nancy .... please tell her (and the whole band) I said hello.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 18:53
by randall
not nancy.... but i see nancy around all the time...i'll say hi.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 18:58
by Brewster Minton
10 mins left!!

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 19:24
by Brewster Minton
Best I ever had!!!!!

Posted: Jan 4th, '11, 17:11
by In Memory of Vicroy
Hey Brew, I'm cooking two racks right now, been on since early this morning & they sure look & smell fact, smell so good I may have to move the pit behind the fence since its garbage day and the democrats on the back of the truck keep circling the hunting over a baited field....


Posted: Feb 5th, '11, 11:11
by Carl
Going to give these a try today. Hopefully I can find wood chips...BBQ supplies are not the easiest thing to find this time of year.

Posted: Feb 5th, '11, 15:29
by coolair
Hey Capt.
We we start a new section

UV recipets