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New Member Registrations

Posted: Dec 25th, '10, 15:53
by CaptPatrick
I've spent this morning and a chunk of the afternoon diddling with the new member registration functions of the forum.

All abilities of a potential new member to self register have been removed and replaced with a system that only I can use to register a new member.

This will, in one way increase my work load a great deal, but by not having to constantly delete spam registrations, (as many as 20 per day), the overall effort should ballance out.

This will also relieve my other Admins from having to delete those thousands of script generated registration emails they receive annually.

Death to Spammers!

Posted: Dec 25th, '10, 16:16
by Tommy
Dang Patrick, I hate that those bums cause you so much heartburn and extra work; but please know that we appreciate all your efforts. Thanks again for everything, and have a great 2010.

Posted: Dec 25th, '10, 20:47
by MarkS
I was perusing the members list near the most recent entries the other day just for shits n giggles and most of the web addresses go directly to porno sites.

I was thinking, "sucks to be Patrick" about then.

Too many low lifes on the planet................

Posted: Dec 25th, '10, 22:33
by coolair
good story mark, stick to it

Posted: Dec 26th, '10, 16:25
by MarkS

Ya got me! Must say though I do enjoy both Bertrams and naked ladies, sort of goes hand in hand!

Posted: Dec 26th, '10, 17:08
by randall
too easy.......

"sort of goes hand in hand"

Posted: Dec 26th, '10, 17:35
by coolair
hey thats a good idea
we can do a Bertram and Babes calender or something raise money for charity

maybe if i say charity my wife will some how allow it :)
sorry for hijak Capt. Pat

Posted: Dec 26th, '10, 19:57
by Bruce
Does the php script you use allow for complex captcha since the simple captcha can be defeated with bots that use ocr code?

You couple this with a primary form that will return a link to the originators email that will have to be copy and pasted to take them to a secondary form that goes to us for approval, like whats sometimes use in password changes.

We did this on another forum I belong to that had bad spam registration issues and between captcha and the email link, it eliminated 99.9% of bot and human spam.

While extra work for legit users, we figured if someone wasn't willing to go to a little effort to join the sand box, they probably weren't going to add anything worthwhile to the conversations anyways.

Posted: Dec 27th, '10, 06:54
by CaptPatrick
Don't know , Bro... It might, but I looked at numerous mods and sooner or later they all get overcome by the spambot writters modifiying their scripts.

What I did wasn't modifying so much as total dissabling. Instead of putting a bouncer at the door I removed the door. Ya want in? Make the extra effort and contact me directly. I'll decide on a case by case basis.

Sorta' like a UVI, the forum is now invitational. Let the grovelin' begin...

Next time we talk, I'll tell you what I did and how I can register while blocking anyone else's access.

Posted: Jan 3rd, '11, 19:45
by CaptPatrick
Well, after 10 days since the "Invitational Mod" to the script, I'm pleased, almost to the point of exuberance, that absolutely not a single spammer has banged on my door.

In addition, two new legit members have requested membership, been manually registered and activated with only moderate effort.
MarkS wrote:I was perusing the members list near the most recent entries the other day just for shits n giggles and most of the web addresses go directly to porno sites.
Now if you want to see just how out of hand spam registrations can be, view the Member List of another familiar site. Once there, re-sort the list so that it is displayed as Descending so that the newest member is top of the list. There ya' go Mark, a Mother Load of potential porn sites to check out.

Of course I can't boast of 23,700+ members either....

Posted: Jan 3rd, '11, 20:48
by MarkS
Cap can ya send me a case of "Icy Hot" for the old elbow too!

Gonna be a long night doing "Research!" :)

Posted: Jan 3rd, '11, 20:54
by Brewster Minton
Too funny!

Posted: Jan 4th, '11, 09:21
by MarkS
Patrick I only got this far and had to rest my arm. The only way to improve this would be if it was on the doghouse of my Bertram! ... EF:US:1123
