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How Quick are You

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 12:57
by Capt. DQ

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 13:06
by Bertramp
un ... freakin ... believable !!

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 13:24
by Bruce
Can we say egomaniac.

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 13:33
by Carl
Bruce wrote:Can we say egomaniac.

Yeah...hell of an ego...but the goods to back it up.

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 14:45
by CaptPatrick
Brings a whole new meaning to shootin' from the hip...

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 15:46
by Bruce
sim wrote:
Yeah...hell of an ego...but the goods to back it up.
Close up maybe. But from 100yds he's just as dead as Bill Hickcock.

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 16:08
by Dug
Yeah, he's quick, but a jerk.

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 17:53
by randall
id have to see it in real life to believe it. pixels can be made to do anything.

if hes really that fast he should have become a boxer.

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 17:53
by MarkS
Used to watch Bob Mundon on one of the outdoor channels shoot change. The same coin a number of times before it hit the ground. This has to be very old footage he looked much older the last time I saw him on TV and that had to be 8-10 years ago.

He may be a schmuck but ya gotta admit he is good.

I have never seen that snooty side of him before, interesting.

Posted: Dec 17th, '10, 23:55
by dougl33
Unbelievably fast, but what's the point? Does he find a lot of times when it comes in handy?

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 02:59
by CaptPatrick
What's the point?

Exhibition Shooting is entertainment and those who are involved in it strive for excellence just as does anyone else in any other performance field. Why be the fastest runner on the face of the earth? The fastest race car driver ever? The fastest ....?

What's the point of striving for mediocrity?

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 07:07
by Bruce
What's the point of striving for mediocrity?
Unfortunatly Pat thats just what America has been doing.

I can appreciate his talents, it ain't easy being fast and accurate.
Like yourself, talents are much more appreciated when they come from humble persons.

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 07:20
by CaptPatrick
I can overlook lack of humility from most talented folks since I don't have to socialize with 'em... Bob Merganthaler comes to mind.

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 08:58
by In Memory Walter K
Mediocrity is it's own reward.

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 09:01
by Harv
I watched a show (possibly on Discovery) about his speed and accuracy. It turns out he is faster than the blink of an eye. So if you blink, you miss it. Anyway, he was able to draw and hit 2 targets so fast it sounded like only one shot.

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 09:37
by randall
on one of the blogs my web site appeared there was a comment section. one fellow upon viewing a carved and painted box of baseball cards asked "what's the point? could just put some real cards in a box and call it a day".

i'll take it one step past the entertainment perspective. its worth it to strive to excel at anything just for the sake of being the best you can be. even if your best is just average compared to the best.

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 12:00
by Carl
Bruce wrote: Close up maybe. But from 100yds he's just as dead as Bill Hickcock.

But Targets don't shoot back...

i'll take it one step past the entertainment perspective. its worth it to strive to excel at anything just for the sake of being the best you can be. even if your best is just average compared to the best.
Randall-- A truly excellent point!

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 12:50
by In Memory Walter K
If you look up to "ordinary", you're in a hole you'll never get out of.

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 13:33
by Capt. DQ
Can we say egomaniac.
We all have certain God given talents that we love to do or show off to excell in, to be the best or very good at, whatever that might be. To help teach things to others to improve on certain projects, or to push the boundry limits to take something to the next level of where it has never been before.

We all have a little egomaniac in us to some point. Being humble or cockey is attitude of certain people that pushes them to excell to be the best at what they do. Point, not everybody likes Kyle Bush as a racecar driver, but they respect his talent at what he has done in a race car.

Yeah, Bob might be a little cockey to some at that point in time. But I would not want to draw down on Ole' Bob standing in front of him. Before I even blinked, I would be shot 2 to 3 times or more probably.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Everybody


Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 18:54
by bob lico
i not sure what the word egomaniac means anymore when it comes to football. every sack ,every touchdown there is a dance or some other stupid movement of the boby. can you top this . people just come to accept this behavior ,did you ever see a professional wrestler in a interview? what did the professional baseball pitcher say after winning 24 games or so "it ain`t bragging if you done it" what would you call deion sanders,terrance owens,randy moss, etc . egomaniac thats ok, but when it gets to obnoxious like the above people then it`s not fun 2 cents!

Posted: Dec 18th, '10, 21:06
by Brewster Minton
dougl33 wrote:, but what's the point? ?
Being good at anything is the point. You must have been joking.