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Happy Holidays!

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 08:19
by CaptPatrick
<object id='A64060' quality='high' data=' ... D=holidays' pluginspage='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' height='319' width='567'><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><param name='movie' value=' ... ram><param name='scaleMode' value='showAll'></param><param name='quality' value='high'></param><param name='allowNetworking' value='all'></param><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'><param name='FlashVars'</param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param></object>

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 08:26
by Carl
I needed that!! Thanks Capt Patrick.

.....and a Happy Chanukah and a Merry Christmas to all.


Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 09:11
by randall
good way to start the day..thanks..

and a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy holiday for ALL.

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 11:32
by Mikey
Patrick, you need a hobby. Restoring B's is not enough?
Merry Christmas, pal.

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 12:54
by MarkS
Heartless bastard!

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 13:02
by Brewster Minton
Best wishes and may you all be safe.

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 13:08
by Bob H.
Pretty good with that axe ol man...Rabbit n Venison on the menu? Happy Holidays to all.....BH

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 19:59
by Harry Babb
First it's Brew.....and now its the Captian......nothing like SANDING with the STARTS.....

Good one Capt....



Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 20:53
by gplume
Captain...I like your sense of humor.....warped like mine...

Merry Christamse and Happy Holidays to all....

Posted: Dec 5th, '10, 21:56
by DanielM
Capt Pat,

My son Mick came up behind me when I was playing your card. Mick is autistic & a man of very few words. He laughed out loud & said, “That’s nuts dad”

Thanks for the grin from both of us.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all.


Posted: Dec 6th, '10, 00:14
by coolair
at least now we know what you are doing with your free time
funny stuff!!!

Posted: Dec 6th, '10, 06:28
by luis
My wife saw that video and after I told her that it was Capt Pat , the Bertram Guru , she ask me : is with that guy that you are learning how to fix our boat ????????
Its more dificult to explain her expression while asking me that question....
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all.

And thanks Capt Pat

Posted: Dec 6th, '10, 07:03
by Charlie J
happy holidays and merry x mass to everyone
nice video cap

Posted: Dec 6th, '10, 09:33
by Tommy
Dang Patrick, you swing a mean axe! Thanks for the chuckle!

Posted: Dec 7th, '10, 10:46
by IRGuy
Screw the politically correct dips companies that only allow their employees to say "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holidays".. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah (sorry if the spelling is wrong!) and/or whatever other greeting is appropriate for your religion. We're all in this mixed up world together folks.. lets be honest and sincere with each other.