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How to make 2 little boys happy

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 19:36
by Harry Babb
These 2 guys have been asking for several weeks if we could go to the shop and make a day I granted their wish. Boy, were they pumped when they went home.....

We had one agreememt.....DON'T TAKE THESE THINGS TO SCHOOL....JUST DON'T DO IT.......

The most enthused I have ever seen them in a the end of the project they knew what alloy we used, the percent of Carbon and Chrome and the final hardness of the knife.

Check it out! ! !


Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 20:01
by CaptPatrick
Way over the top cool!

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 20:06
by jspiezio
I love the heat suit. That is cool.

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 20:12
by Tommy
Thanks Harry, that is really neat. So, grandsons, neighbors, future Bertram owners? Nothing like making your own collectables.

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 20:15
by billyo
Great story and thats a sweet shop you have.

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 20:18
by Brewster Minton
I love that ouutfit.

post subject

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 20:53
by Mike Moran
Harry when can i come over ?

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 21:04
by AndreF
Mike & I , and my grand kids...........we'll sign a waiver.

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 21:59
by Whaler1777
"Bakes cookies in under 4 seconds!"

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 23:01
by Tony Meola

Something they will always remember. When they get older, they will be telling their kids how Great Granpa helped them make that knife. Pretty cool.

Suit looks like it goes with Bruce's aluminum hat.

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 23:09
by coolair
when yall going to start production so we can buy some??

Posted: Nov 28th, '10, 23:15
by bob lico
harry your by far the best grandpa you should be proud and it is a honor to be your friend.------------------bob

Posted: Nov 29th, '10, 16:22
by Carl

Harry, if they are smiling your not working them hard enough!!!

My daughter wanted an I-Pod. I said sure, but you gotta work for it. I'll be dammed if she didn't put in a good days work...well half days on Saturday when the guys where not around...and I was able make up a platform so she could reach the machine and leave on all safeties. I almost wanted the guys to be there as she did a better job then the guys do.

Your Grand kids look like they had a blast...much better then any knife that could be bought!!

Keep the Trade alive!!


Posted: Nov 29th, '10, 19:06
by Harry Babb
I insisted that both of my kids work in the shop, just so they would know the value of a $.

As it turns out Chris works here everyday and does a wonderful job. My daughter is an RN at the local hospital and also does a wonderful job.

Your daughter is a beautiful kid....and a little coolant under those nails will certainly do her (and you) a lot of good later in life.

I have been chastised all my life about the way I raised my kids....but I can tell you that my kids are, for certain, headed in the right direction in life

The 2 grandchilrens in my pic are 15 and 10.....the 10 year old has already worked off a debt that got him a KX 65 dirt bike.

I love that pic! ! ! How old is your daughter? Did she get her IPod yet? I say good for the both of you......and your right..."Keep the Trade Alive"! ! !


Posted: Nov 29th, '10, 23:44
by coolair
thats great!
i wish i knew how to run a cnc machine lucky kids

Posted: Nov 30th, '10, 09:41
by Capt.Frank
Matt you and I both. I can't stop thinking of things to make.

Posted: Nov 30th, '10, 10:01
by Harry Babb
Capt Frank wrote:I can't stop thinking of things to make.
It is cool to do some of this stuff, just remember this.......If you can buy it off of the shelf for a buck ninety eight, you can make it yourself for $500.....

I don't want to know how much those knives actually cost...LOL

Its like Red last calculation.....cost me $1200 per pound


Posted: Nov 30th, '10, 11:28
by Carl
Harry Babb wrote: It is cool to do some of this stuff, just remember this.......If you can buy it off of the shelf for a buck ninety eight, you can make it yourself for $500.....

I don't want to know how much those knives actually cost...LOL

Its like Red last calculation.....cost me $1200 per pound


Now if thats not the truth nothing is!!!

In the picture she was 9 and yes she got the I-Pod with her own earned money. Now she's 11 and looking for an I-Pod Touch...

Thanks for the compliment and likewise, you have some Great looking Grandkids!

I agree, kids (people) need to understand the value of a $. I think what they buy means more to them too. When I wanted my first car, my parents said I could have ANY CAR I wanted...long as I paid for it myself...along with the insurance, upkeep, gas etc.
Years later I found out they helped alot along the dad taking the car in to have it tuned up. Found out he had the brakes, shocks, struts all done too. I paid for the tune up, didn't know about the rest.

Posted: Nov 30th, '10, 17:56
by coolair
i can attest to that. i dont know how many things i have said i am gonna do it my self and spend 10x what if would have cost to buy... 31 bertram...all the parts for a 31 bertram i just got Capt. pats cd on how to make deck hatches, the price break down he has in there is starting to make me want to beg him to build them for me
.....the ak47 i am gonna the list goes on. But hey now i own alot of cool tools and know how to sorta do alot of stuff an thats what counts :)
makes you appriciate the thing for a buck 99

Posted: Dec 2nd, '10, 19:32
by Bob H.
Harry, Love the martian get up...You and Miss Joanne did a fantastic job raisn Chris and Angie...teach em well..let learn the hard way..let them go their own way...then they come back around and teach their own kids just about the same way...with a cool meema and papaaa to share in all the cool stuff...just think when you splash Denada and all the other memories youll be makin..Your Buddy...BH

Posted: Dec 2nd, '10, 20:09
by randall
what a great thread!!!!!!!