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CMOH awarded TODAY

Posted: Nov 16th, '10, 19:54
by scenarioL113

Posted: Nov 16th, '10, 19:54
by scenarioL113

Posted: Nov 17th, '10, 18:26
by Bruce
To bad it couldn't have been presented by someone other than crap for brains.

Posted: Nov 17th, '10, 20:59
by In Memory Walter K
There's something morally wrong about being presented that medal by men who would have (and did) go out of their way not to serve.

Posted: Nov 18th, '10, 13:05
by randall
i could reply in an obvious political way to the digression this thread has taken. but i'll hold my thought and honor the person. does every damn thing have to be about gaining a political inch or two.

EVERY citizen should feel the pride of living in the same country with such a fine man.......period.

Posted: Nov 18th, '10, 22:15
by scenarioL113
It is tough to not be angry any time the Pres is mentioned.

I only posted it to honor the man who is receiving the CMOH since it hasnt been honored to a live person since Nam.

Anytime one is awarded it is a great day to be "extra" proud of everything our Military stands for.

Posted: Nov 20th, '10, 17:00
by IRGuy
I admit I get choked up when I read about of the heroic things our military personnel do, but what really hit me was the contrast between the words the Appeaser In Chief said at the ceremony, which I will bet were written by some anonymous speech writer and were probably spoken without any real sense of sincerity by Obummer, and the nakedly sincere and very touching Facebook post I am copying unedited below.

Michael Taylor says:
November 17, 2010 at 1:48 am

great and sad days are for all of us as a vetran i know what your feeling
you just did what you had to do. do not let this weight on you mind.
just go with it.. we so need a medal of honor person in our country. your it. i so comend you for what you did for your comrads , your friends.
what you might not understand if you did not go save this man and bring this man home we would all have seen him beheaded on the news your a true hero i know your normal. and feel bad but cary this badge hight for all of the falen soulger be the guy thar respesrents the guy that saved us from all seeing you brother in combat be taken. I am so honored to see you on tv. god bless you and yours and be well we all of us that came home know you wil honor all our friends that did not come home. whare your badge with honor. your speical. I see you got promoted this week. now you r the guy that has to repsent all solgers do us right do a good job. do your new jobe now. you have the metal of honor
my military friends prase you. get used to it you the man you was picked by god to rrepersent all of us solgers. we so love you america loves you. we have all seeen friends get taken in war. to do what you did is a hornor to me and my friends never forget your our man now you gota speak up and tell the world that war is war beter for no war. make your self known in congress in the military and take the bennies you get your friends that you lost that day are counting on you to make there lost worth wild. god bless you young man.



Posted: Nov 20th, '10, 22:54
by Bertramp
I'll take Randall's course and not address the negative comments prior to his and address only the man honored. My best to those that "cover me, while I sit here" .... in comfort !!

Posted: Nov 21st, '10, 16:27
by Bruce
Nobody said the recipient didn't deserve it.

Such a high honor, especially to one who is still alive, deserves that honor to be presented to him by someone who has honor themselves.

Honor is earned. Num nuts in the oval office ain't even close.

Posted: Nov 21st, '10, 17:18
by randall
i guess obama could have asked cheney to present it.

sorry.....but nothing else really matters except this well deserved and wonderful honor. all the rest is just political bs.

however... i'm willing to agree to disagree and let it go.