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My Northern Bros

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 08:56
by Harry Babb
Alright guys! ! ! ! ! this AIN'T funny........its nearly 8:00 AM (9:00 before they screwed up the time last night) and its still 37 freaking degrees outside......

YAW'LL close that NORTH DOOR! ! ! !


Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 08:59
by Brewster Minton
Get to work on that boat! That will keep you warm.

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 09:21
by Buju
57 degrees in Cayo Largo @ 9:19 in the a.m...

It feels strange that I'm not all sweaty just standing outside... nice change. Good grinding & sanding weather.

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 09:50
by Harry Singer

We've got a skiff of snow on the ground so we have to keep that door open in the hopes that some warmer weather comes through and melts it. It's just too early for snow and I've got a ton of things to do before it arrives permanently.


Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 10:06
by Bertramp
60 here in Lauderdale ..... and windy
I wanna get out on the Whaler but bbrrr

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 10:14
by randall
ha...i'm in chicago....its supposed to be 68 tomorrow. timing is everything!

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 10:39
by Charlie J
its 50 degrees now, alittle chilly, i would be out fishing now if the inlets were not so rough, tried to get out yeasterday and had 15 footers breaking across the entire inlet with a s/w swell. i heard a couple of boats got spun around coming back in later on in the day

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 10:51
by IRGuy
cwj wrote:i heard a couple of boats got spun around coming back in later on in the day

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 11:19
by randall
i'm here on lake michigan but my friends are having fun in montauk. surfs up!

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 12:10
by billyo
36 here in assachusetts and 85 in Costa rica

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 18:02
by In Memory of Vicroy
Nice and cool in Coonassland.....first real cool snap of the year so I celebrated by spending a couple of days shooting 2,500 nails into my camp dock boards with my $99 big ass Chinese nail gun. Got 1,500 to go. Excellent way to work up a thirst and sit by the fireplace sipping Abuelo rum. That and a half bottle of Alleve will make you sleep good.

This is the kinda crap you do when you retire.


Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 20:26
by Chanse
where I am on Lake Michigan its warmed up to 40 from a 31 with snow on the ground two nites ago.

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 20:29
by TailhookTom
UV -- you have way more energy than I do!

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 21:34
by gplume
Cold it may have been...but the surf was killa in RI yesteday. Best swell of the year (in my opinion) due to the low offshore wind. Unfortunatelu...running the stove now...

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 22:29
by Harry Babb
Brew wrote:Get to work on that boat! That will keep you warm.
Your right Brew.......worked on DeNada today.....worked hard enough to get the temp up to the low 70's........I never took my sweat shirt off.

BTW.....working on the rudders


Posted: Nov 8th, '10, 09:31
by Capt Dick Dean
Stay and tuf it out. There were snow flakes mixed with the rain just an hour ago on Long Island

Posted: Nov 8th, '10, 10:12
by Carl
It's Hailing here in Staten Island...

...gonna make the call later today to get the boat yanked out. Haven't used since I went Fluke'n a few months ago, a tank of fuel to Fire Island and a tank to get back and that about sumed up my Boating for this year...guess thats it for me in the 2010 boating season...

Dad got an extension on his boating season bringing his boat down to Florida with him. He hasn't been able to get out and use's been blow en good since he arrived...he still calls daily to tell me how cold it is there...

Posted: Nov 8th, '10, 14:02
by Hueso
85 F in Puerto Rico.


Rip Curl Pro Search Surf Challenge was a total hit!

Kelly Slater went to battle with local hero Dylan Graves.....Kelly is a killa! Take a look at this:

Posted: Nov 8th, '10, 16:15
by Carl
Hueso wrote:85 F in Puerto Rico.

I vote to ban Hueso from the Sandbox forever....

or at least till it warms up here!!!

Posted: Nov 8th, '10, 17:08
by opunui
Hueso..unfortunatly we lost Andy Irons after he pulled out of that contest.
25-30 foot faces on the country swell. surfs up!

Posted: Nov 9th, '10, 21:58
by gplume
Harry sorry to hijack your thread.....

Thought our surfing brothers would get a charge out of this one.

BTW, watching the guy in action is unbelievable. Photo is at Sebsatian Inlet between heats at a contest. Looks like we're bros??


Posted: Nov 9th, '10, 22:26
by randall
Hueso wrote:85 F in Puerto Rico.


Rip Curl Pro Search Surf Challenge was a total hit!

Kelly Slater went to battle with local hero Dylan Graves.....Kelly is a killa! Take a look at this:
i've been watching kelly surf since he was 14. one of the worlds great athletes and in the top 5 all time in the water. most would say all time best.

i followed the clips on surfline. but thanks for the heads up.

Posted: Nov 10th, '10, 01:06
by Bertramp
Randall ...
best surfer I have seen close up was Tripp Paterson at beach lane one day .... he WOWed the crowd and let them asking "who was that masked man"?
Funny ... my son Miles is a look alike to Tripp, less 4-5 yrs. One Saturday nite, I started to the other end of an "establisment" (La Superica-Sag Harbor - best margarittas East End) to ask my son what he was doing in there, only to realized half way down the bar that it was Tripp and not Miles.
Tripp thought it funny too.

Posted: Nov 10th, '10, 11:14
by randall
bertramp........i've surfed at one time or another with every great long island surfer....some many times. heres how it is. only ricky rasmussen was truly world class. when i worked at snowbird i skied everyday with some of the hottest locals on the planet, BUT then they had a pro downhill. we went skiing with those guys. NIGHT AND DAY. the same with surfing. watching kelly slater surf and maybe another 100 guys on the planet is apples and oranges to a hot local........and the bigger it gets the more apparent it is. i was surfing overhead waves in montauk 30 years ago when i thought i was a hot local. a guy named buzzy kerbox paddled out. after he rode a few waves i paddled in so i could sit on the beach and watch!!

Posted: Nov 10th, '10, 11:18
by randall
nice shot giff!!.....later today ill show you mine. few will get it.

Posted: Nov 10th, '10, 11:21
by randall
opunui wrote:Hueso..unfortunatly we lost Andy Irons after he pulled out of that contest.
25-30 foot faces on the country swell. surfs up!

theres surfs up and then theres SURFS UP!!!.

i know a bunch of people that knew andy well.....what a sad thing. a very loved and admired man.

Posted: Nov 10th, '10, 16:06
by Hueso